Dear Canadians, DO NOT COMPLY! | Buddy Brown



Many of us up here in Canada want the country to join America. Freedom of speech and 2A rights is so so important which is why TPTB up here never let us have any! TRUMP all the way!

I’m a Canadian living Legally in Kentucky. I am NOT turning any of my guns.


  1. It has to do with Britons common wealth, the powers of Briton controlling family’s they want to control every aspect of everyone’s, life and bring back the middle ages

  2. I make deliveries in Canada all the time. I enjoy talking to the folks I deliver to about what’s going on in both our countries. The folks I deliver to are mad as hell about the newest gun ban. Most of the folks I’ve talked to would have no problem being part of the United States as long as any provence east of Manitoba was not included. Their feelings are that Trudeau doesn’t care about anything that happens outside of Ottawa, especially if it happens in western Canada. One man I spoke to said he’d love for BC to be absorbed into Montana because of their gun laws. This is the second gun ban that Trudeau has passed with one stroke of the pen. The stupid thing is he didn’t learn anything from the first one. He has not gone through the proper process to ban the guns so every single gun he has banned is being fought in parliament. He banned about 1200 firearms in his first ban with one stroke of the pen. Unfortunately, because of the way their justice system works, each firearm banned has to be fought separately in court. That’s over 1200 separate court cases. That’s going to take a lot of time. But one interesting fact was brought to my attention. While Trudeau has banned semi-auto weapons, he did not ban the SKS. Why not? you might ask yourself. The reason is because the Inuits love the SKS because it’s cheap and the ammo is cheap and readily available. It’s their preferred weapon for hunting. They just open fire on a caribou or moose and empty a magazine on one animal bringing it down. And Trudeau doesn’t want to loose the indigenous peoples vote. As one person put it to me “the US is getting a businessman to run the country because a country is a huge business that requires a smart businessman to run it. We’ve got a part-time drama teacher, a part-time ski instructor and a part-time child molester”. Much like our own Democrat so-called leaders, Trudeau doesn’t listen to the people and what they want.


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