IT’S STARTING – Israel-Iran Spark World War 3!?



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Who else is tired of funding wars with their tax money?


  1. “Israel-Iran Spark World War 3!?”
    You know it is just really tiring and stupid to continue to blame Israel for these things. I ran is the godless perverted aggressor all over the world and Israel is trying yo defend itself. Headlines like this are truly JAUNDICED urinalism!

    • I agree and it was not Israel who took down the World Trade Center. Jews and Catholics/Christians are being killed all over the World. In Nigeria over 60,000 Christians have been killed while they sleep. It is some in the Muslim Religion that kills and/or beats up and/or disowns their family if they convert or leave their religion or probably marry outside of it. You may say Jews disown their own and maybe other religions, but they don’t beat them up or kill them. The Muslims and Jews keep fighting over Ishmael who was Abraham’s first son but not Sarah’s son, that was Isaac. WW II was all about killing Jews, Catholics, Gypsies, Blacks and doing experiments on Twins to see how they are changed and today they are doing experiments on our children again. soros is pushing all this hatred and many of our politicians are intermarried to his family. Time to pray for peace or we will all be destroyed and stop killing human beings from conception to natural death. .

  2. Why support Israel? They have been starting conflicts throughout the middle east for centuries. They caused the conflict with Lebanon. They are trying to force Armageddon in a way they can have control and win.

  3. We can blame Israel or accept the fact they are the Called of God, whom He gave the land to. Jesus was sent to Earth as both God and Man, 100%, and if you can’t see this, you need to talk to God.

    People can condemn what is going on, but it was mankind who brought sin into the world, which God had created perfect. Now, we see what happens when mankind goes off and does their own thing.

    We are getting closer to what is known as “Judgement Day”. Try talking to God about how you can become one of the Saved ones.

  4. Yes Yes YEAH I am so excited 😆 and also Very Excited 😆 for the REAL Beginning of The ACTUAL End of DEMOCRACY in America and the REAL World 🗺️

    • You may just like killing human beings. only those who approve of the death of human beings from conception to natural death do not like Trump. They are accessories to the murders of millions of human beings. We were doing better when Trump was President, now we have higher prices, recalls of food that is carrying all kinds of disease, our land and banks being purchased by our enemies and losing all of your rights day by day. A lot of times what I type is blocked by AOl because it is going to upset someone, but they don’t care if many get upset when so many knock our Country. If people don’t like it leave and go to a place where your will be happy. It is usually the pro-abortion people who constantly hate Trump. They think they are protecting women but are protecting rapists, child traffickers, incest and jocks. Those who want sex but not the responsibility of caring for a child, those who push suicide and those who would kill seniors instead of caring for them. Please rethink about who you are backing and the issues they support. Defund the Police is another issue and they do not treat Veterans well either. Give more benefits to illegals than they do to Americans, and not Cocaine can be purchased over the counter, to kill more human beings.

  5. Gods people will not be defeated, and those who try to destroy Israel, will itself be destroyed, this land was given to Israel by God, Israel allowed the Palestinians to live on this land, it was never theirs, and what did they do, became terrorists, to destroy Israel. Do u wonder why, no one will take these people in?

    • I hope the Jewish people in America do not vote for the pro-death people because they themselves keep having one child after another. If they vote for the pro-death people they may want to get rid of the rest of society. They also become accessories to the murders of millions of human beings, because they do nothing to stop it. God is not going to be happy about that.

  6. This world is crazy !

    Billions of individuals worldwide hate jews !

    Not a single individual worldwide knows (((((w h y )))))

    They’re more confuzilated than me !



    JEW HATERS…………….



    TZVI…………AKA EDDIE…………


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