Biden just admitted the UNTHINKABLE: 1000’s of murderers and rapists released into the US | Redacted



I fear for my child! I feel like I say this in your comments every day the corruption needs to stop people need to wake up immediately. I am dumbfounded by the stupidity in this country.

“Don’t underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to f*ck things up.”

— Barry Soetoro


  1. I quit working at shoprite and now I make $65-85 per/h. How? I’m working online! zw My work didn’t exactly make me happy so I decided to take a chance on something new… after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn’t be happier. Here’s what I do…

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  2. This pos fake, phony, pretending president, has released 1000s of illegal criminals into our country. Harris and biden has flooded our country with illegals that are killing Americans every day. These two pathetic, incompetent, embarrassments, have destroyed our country. They need to be arrested for breaking every law on the books, this administration is lawless in every way. People who commit crimes, need to be deported, and not released, do the job, or get the fk out, u are worse than the criminals.

  3. They admit it and they don’t even care!
    That is a sad commentary on the state of politics in this country, (demonrats)! they will do anything to control us and cling to power.

  4. Any American I mean any American that would vote for these two
    disgusting creatures should exit this country!!!
    Might find better candidates in a zoo.???? Hey!!!!!!! What a solution.
    Now for the liberal moderators??? We could check a wild life reserve?
    Lots of choices????….Sorry being to harsh????
    They bring that out with thier behavior sometimes….

  5. you need to add another 00 at least behind your numbers, if you use the government number of 70,000 illegal migrants/day, which they estimate starting j621 2hats 25,550,000/year or 106,000,000/4years,,,the truth starts on the border, the statistic i quote was compiled by the local news affiliates along our border towns and cities, they state that for ever illegal migrant the government let’s in another 29 are not engaged. Thank you for this article, but the majority of Americans have no idea as to the hole their criminally run government has buried them in, and there won’t be any getting out of that hole ever,,,your kids, your grandkids and their grandkids grandkids,,,☠


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