Mark Levin: Kamala Harris’ campaign is ‘the most diabolical campaign in modern American history’



So painful to watch .Trump 2024

Vote, red, vote red. Our country needs every vote


  1. Did you ever see Walz come on stage with his arm up in the air. He’s the Hitler. The sane people know the Dems and the media twist what Trump says. The fact that they keep repeating it over and over again is their way of trying to convince us, but we know and them seeing him have sooo many supporters drives them insane.

    • The only one who is sucked in is you and that is to the progressive, demoncrat, communists. Who all have to be eliminated to restore America as a Great Nation.

      • AMEN BROTHER AMEN! Those that continue to vote for our destruction that I estimate amount to 30 to 40M they all disgust me to my core! At almost 84 I worry not for me but my grandkids & all grandkids! I pray for them to suffer a very long & very painful demise before the can destroy our nation, starting with the #1 enemy the media that Goebbels would be very proud of! As for Alfred above he should just drop TFDEAD!

    • It appears you have been sucked in by the evil Biden/Harris/Walz regime. Don’t forget Biden is still president until January even though we don’t really see him much – who’s running our country as we speak? You won’t be voting for Harris/Walz in November – you’ll be voting for a 4th Obama term. When we become part of the NWO, people like you will be screaming the loudest, but you’ll no longer have a voice. Your usefulness will no longer be needed. Clinton was supposed to win 2016 to take over where Obama left off. Now, the last 4 years and, God forbid, the next 4 years will complete the 16-year plan, Obama will lead the evil regime to victory ala Soros. You all have been duped and “sucked” in. God help America! Trump/Vance 2024!!!

    • If your eyes, ears and brain cannot help you understand that neither Biden nor his clueless VP can do anything except destroy America from the inside, I hope their policies and actions affect your life at every point possible. After saying that, I really do not want them to destroy your freedoms. No American deserves the personal, political and national destruction their demented thinking will cause.
      There is a long world history of powerful nations that went from preserving their citizen’s power and safety to giving in to unreasonable desires. Then those historic nations and empires crashed. I, for one do not want America to join those extinct nations.

  2. The REAL Third Reich is the DEMONrat party! Commielala is Obama in a pantsuit, just like cankles Clinton! She will continue to execute the Obama agenda of destroying our country! We CANNOT let that happen! Levin is SO correct in what he says! The Harris campaign is the most diabolical campaign in history! Do not forget, Obama is running her campaign! She has NO plan for the country, other than the Obama agenda! She is a total fake, another Obama puppet! We all must vote Trump and MAGA to save our country! If she is “ installed” like Biden was, our country will be no more! If you are happy with what has been happening for the past 3 1/2 years. You haven’t been paying attention! Higher prices on everything, the fake “ climate crisis”, unlimited abortion up to and after birth, totally open borders, letting in people who have NO right to be here, more crime, less protection for our country. If you are not, you must vote MAGA to save our country from total destruction! A vote for commielala is a vote for obama’s fourth term! Do you want that? I certainly do not! I’m voting MAGA all the way! It is YOUR chioice, choose wisely! Don’t believe the hype, you are being lied to by the Harris campaign! They hate America, and want to destroy us!


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