BREAKING: Gavin Newsom JUST ANGERED 91 million Americans!



All Americans should stop paying taxes.

I’m 74 and this world can’t handle much more of this stuff. I pray that Donald J Trump wins the election


  1. Thank you for all of the truths that you tell. I live in Texas and our governor Abbott is fantastic. I commend him for all of his efforts and successes against the Democrats. Also, I feel sorry for Californians. They need to fight back and stand up for their rights.

  2. Trump’s stand against the Ukraine-Russia war may be what almost got him assassinated and may yet get him killed by an establishment bullet.

    The U.S. establishment is (unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans) in the battle of its life.

    China and Russia are leading an economic trade bloc dubbed the BRICS. (Brazil, Russia, India and China and including over a dozen smaller countries). The BRIC trade bloc will, within a few years, overtake the U.S. lead world-wide economic system that has been built since the end of WWII and the creation of the Bretton Woods Agreement. When this happens (and it will baring US war with China-Russia) the US establishment takes an enormous hit in its wealth and power. For starters the U.S. dollar will lose about half of its value. Secondly, the US corporate imperial system will lose its ability to dictate trade relations around the world by way of The World Bank, GATT and the World Trade Organization. These institutions have been used since 1945 to essentially siphon the wealth creation of the Third World into the hands of Wall Street Bankers.

    The U.S. establishment will not allow this lose of hegemony. Thus the Ukraine war (a proxy war for the U.S.) must continue in order to weaken Russia. Russia is China’s primary source of mineral and commodity wealth.

    For the U.S. establishment ideally Russia will be defeated and carved up into smaller nation-states under U.S. (probably through its proxy NATO) which will be prohibited from trading with China.

    If the U.S. fails in its proxy war in Ukraine the next step in the process, regrettably, will be a direct war with China which will probably end in nuclear Armageddon.


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