Kamala STUNNED into SILENCE after new policy BACKFIRES!!



We do not want Kamala TRUMP 2024

Vote RED America to save America!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


  1. Here’s an important flaw with Spicer’s logic. I live in PA. Fracking is done by people OUT OF STATE. These companies never hire Pennsylvanians. They bring them from TX, OK, and other fracking states. They come here, and THEY HAVE THE JOBS not us. So most people here sorry to say don’t really care about the fracking industry. IN ADDITION – ALL PRESS including FOX NEWS is virtually (on paper) owned by 5 people who are all libs. (Actually it comes down to 1 source who owns these 5 – Kazarian Mafia – the same people behind overthrowing the 2020 election. If you pull back the covers on the Kamala strategy people should be alarmed and help wake up others. Her strategy is NOTHING NEW. They did the same to elect Slick Willy Clinton. Mimic the oppositions plans.

  2. ONE MORE IMPORTANT COMMENT — Many of the congress people both dems/rep’s. are compromised from their participation in pedophilia and attending or participating in the benefits to them from Epstein Island. They need to be found, called out, arrested, and sentenced because they will vote accordingly. (This also includes members of the Supreme Court and we know who they are!!!)

    The other big loophole is this… If I get ‘insider trading’ intel, and act on it, I will be jailed for up to 20 years! Yet the fine for congress doing the same? $250!!!! No Jail time!!! Pelosi & Fenstein both took advantage of the trading info and masked great fortunes as do MANY OTHERS! This is why they become CAREER POLITICIANS. Not to serve their fellow citizen! We need to close this loophole, they need to confiscate their fortunes, put them in jail for TREASON. In addition we need to STOP LOBBYING!!!

  3. Well, here in New York State, our previous idiot governor Cuomo banned fracking entirely. Now, our idiot governess cuckoo Kathy Hochul won’t change any of Cuomo’s moronic policies. A lot of money could be made if Cuomo’s brain-dead fracking ban could be overturned. Now, cuckoo Kathy wants to ban gasoline powered cars by 2035. If I were younger, I’d move the hell out of New York State. But I’m old. I’m in the winter of my life. Each day is one day less.


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