Fox News EMBARRASSES Kamala After She REFUSES to Debate TRUMP


Sky News host Rita Panahi has questioned “just how woke” Kamala Harris is. “The real Kamala, we know she’s woke, but just how woke is she?” Ms Panahi said. “In an interview with a glamour magazine, she explained what caused her to be so woke.”


Can Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump in a debate?

If she is so sure she could beat him, why doesn’t she agree? She is such a terrible liar!


  1. A debate with Trump would show the world what an airhead cackling Kammy truly is. Maybe she could cackle her way out of the questions without actually saying anything.

  2. Darkins did not convince me that Harris was afraid to debate Trump. There is no reason not to take her at her word. Trump should keep his commitment to debate on ABC as he would have if Biden were still the opposing candidate. This does make it look that he is afraid to confront her. I don’t blame her for not wanting to debate on Fox because they are already so biased against her.

    • Trump is not afraid of kameltoe, She and the demonic party are petrified to face Trump. She as a border zar did not do anything to keep this Country safe. She is no material to be a Comander in chief of this great Country. She is a communist and loves to work with China. The demonicrats only care for one thing (how they can steal money from the working people’s and becoming millionaires)

    • Trump is not afraid of her. He will destroy her no matter where the debate is held. When Biden dropped out that meant the debate schedule was null.

    • What everyone needs to remember is biden did not win and it took a lot of people to pull off the biggest heist in America that has caused America to go TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS MORE IN DEBT

  3. Trump is what the people need right now, strong and knows what he’s doing. Also he would be able to handle other countries, and they know it, kamaltoe would make America weak and people are not afraid of her she has no right to even be able to run she’s not what America is about we must stay strong and she’s not smart, tough, and can’t touch Trump in debate. She gonna use race and divide us even more. I really think Trump wants to do right why else would he go through what he has been through cause of the d party makes lies. He has done in his life,, i think he wants to leave and help America get things back in order, he’s done everything else a man could do and he has always rose to the top. He dont need this so why is he, cause he is the one man that can get and solve the problems America faces, it would of been fixed if he fot re-elected but no dem screwed everything up in a 4 year span. Bring Mr. Trump back we need him he dont need us, most people that are powerful and rich and succed in 99% of the cases they stay away from trouble but not aTrump he’s not scared and they no it, plus he’s smarter than the dem party. Camaltoe will make us week and America will be flooded with crimanals from other countries and she will make it easy. Trump will kick your ass out if u r not legal. Im in michagan check out AJM PACKIGING IN SOUTHGATE MI AND ALL HIS OTHER PLANTS THE WORKERS ARE 80% ILLEGAL BUT NOONE DOES NOTHING, THEY CARY GUNS AND WEAPONS AND ONE PERSON WAS SHOT AND KILLED BY AN ILLEGAL. MR. TRUMP IF SOMEHOW U GET THIS PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT IT WILL HELP U WITH YOUR DEBATE IF SHE HAS THE BALLS TO DEBATE U, WELL THERES THE AWNSER SHE HAS NO BALLS.

  4. They come from there country illegal and take an americans job by monday they are working, cause they work for less and dont ask questions. They hsve a union and they dont even know what that is they think its another tax, so the union is ripping people off at AJM PACKINGING H3 HA 10 TO 15 PLANTS WITH THOUSANDS OF ILLEGALS WORKER FOR 5H3M. SOMET HING HAS TO BE DONE WITH THIS COMPANY ITS NASTY AND THEY MAKE PAPER PLATES THAT THESE DIRTY HAVNT TAKING A SHOWER IN DAYS. AND THE PICK OFF FLOOAR AND PUT THEM IN PACK TO SELL AND THE DONT WHERE NOTHING. I’LL NEVER EAT OFF A PAPER PLATE AGAIN IN MY LIFE THEY ARE FULL OF GERMS.

  5. Kameltoe is a COWARD along with Walz who resigned rather than go to Iraq with his men! He is no f’ing leader and his wife loves rioters! Make sure these scum don’t get to OUR WH by voting for Trump! Rob must be a lefty!

  6. She won’t debate? Hold a mock debate with someone who impersonates her- on sat night live. Maybe that will bring her out of hiding. And give a little more exposure. We have to find a way.

  7. This rag of a newsletter has absolutely no credibility. This is worse than Fox for being biased. Is the Trump reelection team running this operation? BTW I am a registered member of the GOP for over 55 years, I just like to get my news and information from sources that try not to distort reality.


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