Lefties Losing It: Nancy Pelosi slammed for saying Joe Biden ‘deserves a place’ at Mount Rushmore


Sky News host Rita Panahi has slammed former speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi after she told CBS that US President Joe Biden deserves a place on Mount Rushmore.


What has he done? Leave billions of my tax dollars in Afghanistan, bring in millions of illegals that I pay for, raise my fuel and grocery costs by thousands? show me one good outcome!

WTF !!!! These Trans women are a FREAK SHOW !!!


  1. With out question we need former President Donald J Trump to assume the Presidency in November if we want to keep our Democratic Republic. Kamala Harris is not qualified or capable of being a strong, informed, decisive leader, and cannot compete on the international stage, with the major their leaders. They already acknowledge her as a totally incompetent clown. whom, off teleprompter, cannot put an intelligent sentence together, attempting to cover her stupidity with very unappealling “cackles”! Add to this her far left wing beliefs, and her (or their) selection of Vice President of an equally ultra left wing running mate, and you have the perfect formula for the demise of America, the destruction of our economy, military, education, ramaining industry, and a continuation of “Biden energy dependence from countries who hate us. I haven’t yet figured out what the “actual” people or individuals running the Country right now are up to, but you can bet, if it includes the likes of Soros, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Clinton, we are headed for either a World War we are not prepared to fight, with these current WOKE militaryleaders, or a planned total collapse of our economy!
    Democrat voters, who work, and pay taxes, and have a vested interest and love for this “once great country”, need to really, seriously take a look at the two candidates foisted on them without a vote, or even the courtesy of a survey, by the shadowy power behind the scenes making the decisions for them, and question their actual reasons for selecting these two ultra left very unpopular, lying, unqualified candidates. And, if they truly love this country, and their way of life, put a stop to this farcebefore it goes too far!


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