Obama & Nancy Pelosi MOVE FORWARD SECOND COUP Against Kamala Harris As Democrat Challenger EMERGES!



I am a white woman. I am voting for a republic not a democracy. I am voting for Trump!!

Im a black woman & im voting for Trump 2024


  1. Wow, the old saying ‘there’s no loyalty among thieves’ is proven. Hopefully this’s true and not a subterfuge as four more years of the liberals, any of them and especially kamala harris at the helm is unthinkable. need proof, take a look and smell at califronia where she got her start, first as willie brown’s side piece’, wanting the San Francisco District Attorney position for which she didn’t have experience or qualifications for the job. Then when she got what she wanted, she dumped brown and moved on to California State Attorney General and then for reasons known only to God, state senator despite having done nothing to attain the positions As vice president she’s done little to nothing quantifiable and as the so called border czar (what the hell is a border czar, sounds like a phrase from the communist manifesto) she has failed miserably. The liberals are running scared now that joey bidee has dropped out of the race ( thank God, what was the delay) and it’s harris for peresident. And the real kicker, harris has the gall to insult the American people by saying the southern border is secure despite the thousands of unvetted illegals crossing into the US on a monthly basis. Yeah right when pigs fly, the moon’s proven to be made of green cheese and unicorns are real. If anybody thinks she’ll make a 360 degree turn and improve they’ve got their heads up their a***s, have been smoking bad weed (where legal and coming to a state near you if not already) or have been living on Pluto. Let the vetting of the candidates and all their dirty laundry and the mud slinging begin. At least this’ll be fun and encite some laughter despite the serious of this election that’ll determine the way forward and FYI, it’s not the liberal way by any means.

  2. I will vote for whoever the DNC choose against a Felon, thief, adulteress, lier, racist, etc TRUMP. Americans deserve someone who is honest and have christian values to be the POTUS. Sadly the Republicans Judges have allowed Trump to violate all laws and nullify all convictions. It says a lot of the type of American citizens that support Trump behavior. There are many other excellent REP. that could be of honor living in the White House as the POTUS, they support the worst.

    • Kamala Harris was the most liberal person in the senate. She dropped out of the presidential race in 2019 with less than 5 percent Democratic support. She put hundreds in jail for marijuana and laughed when asked if she ever smoked marijuana. She left a man in jail on purpose longer than he was supposed to and surpressed information that proved he has not guilty of murder. He could have died on death row while she knew there was evidence he was not guilty. She supported the violence of BLm and Antifa that caused billion in destruction and over 20 murders in the streets during the George Floyd riots, creating a fund that bailed out many and she stated in her own words in an interview “they will not stop befor the 2020 presidential vote in November, they will not stop after and they should not”. This woman is a totally unqualified radical and is disgraceful to the office of VP and certainly the office of President. She was assigned to be border czar. One job, she failed miserably at that.


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