Kellyanne Conway: Wait until America learns this about Kamala Harris



What a liar Harold Ford is. Shame on him. It’s pathetic.

What planet does this Ford guy live on? Is he the only person not to notice Biden’s mental problem until recently?


  1. Hello ~ All I know is that Bill O’reilly last night on News Nation (Chis Cuomo show) said that Biden is the 2nd worst President.
    (Johnson the #1 worst President) That’s good enough for me.
    And some of the democrats have said that K. Harris was or is the worst VP they have ever had.

  2. Right-o Ron. Bill O’Reilly knows everything and is always right!

    You might want to scoot around the internet and see if there are other opinions.

  3. Societal destruction and border collapse. The current administration implemented measures enabling the LGBTQ sexual revolution to be embedded into schools. And besides internal rot, the gates have been flung open to external invasion. It’s been reported that more than 10 million illegal immigrants, many of them military age males, have streamed across America’s southern border in the last four years an unprecedented national crisis…. what more stupid things that Americans will get from Kamala and Biden…???? Moral break down leading to anguish, “Get out Brandon…a k a F..biden and Kamala..

  4. LGBTQ in schools? Heck, I graduated HS in 1965 and yes, we had GAY PEOPLE in school. It was difficult for those kids then, and many years after. So you think they “don’t exist?” Or that they should be ostracized? Nice. Very Christian of you. Maybe just being kind to what is already there is what a Christian nation would do?

    I have a question for you Honorary. Who is going to work the fields? I lived in the south during a time when few immigrants were let in. Whole crops of peaches rotted on the ground as there was no one to pick them. My grandparents were immigrants too. They were maids, cooks and gardeners. You want those jobs? It had been reported that young people – Americans born here – won’t do those jobs, and in many cases they are too unfit to do them anyway.

    The Dems and Repubs in Congress had a border bill that both sides agreed to sign, and trump said “No, don’t” to the Repubs. He wanted the conflict to help his campaign. And the Repubs refused to sign a bill that they had mostly designed themselves!

    I guess I will vote sanity over a cult that bans abortions, IVF, and encourages women to stay with wife-beater husbands. Did you know that Project 2025 even wants to ban free weather reports? Hah! The party that wants to keep government out of their lives just means men!


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