JD Vance SHUTS DOWN Kaitlan Collins live on her own show



He handled the situation so calmly and professionally!!!! Trump/Vance 2024!!!!

Trump made a good choice. Contrast him with Kamala.


  1. WHY would he allow himself to go on a program with any of these closed minded demon possessed stinking LIARS????

  2. He did great!! The media are so much to blame on all the hate there is in this Country!! Not all media but the left woke news channels. They do this to brain wash their audience. They are so dishonest and evil people!!

  3. He could not have answered it better. I love that even with her interruptions, he was not side tracked and continued to explain how the system works. He definitely took control of the topic as he continued to address her by name…Good Job

  4. I also think he did great, he doesn’t stumble on his words an speaks confidently and professionally.

    She wasn’t expecting him to have all the answers so he explained it to her. She needs to do her homework!

  5. Did anyone notice the editing out of the word “coup” in the subtitles? The word was said in dialog four times, yet it was deleted from the subtitles. Is “coup” a dirty word now?

  6. This is why JD or any conservative minded politician should go on these programs. To clarify and correct the medias false statements. The media can fool some of the people all of the time and they can fool all of the people some of the time but they can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

  7. Good for J.D.! He did a good job of getting his point across, despite her rude interruptions! Why do these people have someone on their show and constantly talk over them? Assumably they don’t want to hear the truth, they just want their” gotcha” moments! Well, it didn’t work for her, J.D. is too smart for her, and schooled her good! When will these so called journalists learn? They can’t trap someone like J.D. because he outsmarts them, to his credit! Good choice Trump made in selecting him as his running mate! This is a winning ticket for Trump!


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