DRUNK Nancy Pelosi Claims Trump As Dementia In UNHINGED RANT After Being Confronted With BRUTAL Poll



She’s 84 years old. She has no business being in public office. It made her rich, time to move on.

Joe Biden is fine. Keep him in the race please. TRUMP 2024


  1. She is drunk. Believe me I’ve been around people that drink my whole life and drunk is an understatement .

  2. Nancy speaks like she had a novocaine shot in her tongue– people say she’s had facelifts- it’s easy to forget her age but she’s clearly too old (and seemingly demented) to remain in office. There are other press conferences where she has babbled incoherently. We badly need term limits- we need to stop people from becoming lifelong politicians who decay in office and refuse to leave, enjoying all the advantages of being political incumbents & therefore hard to remove. Biden, Mitch McConnell- Pelosi- all in top leadership positions, have no business still being in office. Nancy telling people Trump has dementia is laughable- she makes an utter fool of herself pitching such a preposterous lie. But she’s as greedy and corrupt as Joe Biden– made a fortune from insider trading. She & husband Paul were offered participation in TEN IPOs. Be sure to read what Peter Schweizer uncovered about the Pelosi business dealings.

  3. Don’t even bring up those Covid vaxes. We have on relative, age mid 60’s got the Covid vax. Two days later he became ill and then 3 days later had to be hospitalized, where he died at the hospital. This man’s sister around same age, got the Covid vax, then had a stroke which she is living with now. A third family member, not rated by blood to the other two noted above and she then came down with heart disease problems she is now living with.
    Lasting, the only people I know who have come down with Covid were people that had been Covid vax. I believe that this was a de-population shot as Bill Gates is obsessed with over population and making more and more money. Bill Gates was vacinating blacks in Africa and said the returns were large with a 20 to 1 return he made on these vaccines. So the rest of their greedy people jumped on the vaccine bandwagon because apparently they never have enough money.

    • Pfizer’s CEO reportedly admitted, in sworn testimony before an EU group, that their “vax” was not even tested for efficacy! Astra-zeneca has discontinued its vax program out of concerns about its efficacy and side effects. It is even possible that the “vax” made people more susceptible to the disease. Indeed and moreover, by the time of the Omicron variant, the disease was actually being described by some doctors/epidemiologists as “an epidemic of the vaccinated” (the mechanism for that result has been described in medical commentary). The adverse reactions you describe were documented early on in the process and were well known – and yet, despite those facts (and that barely touches on the objections which can be raised to these m/RNA vaccines) the government and many companies continued to mandate them. The makers of these vaccines may have been proofed against suit, thanks to the government, but those companies and organizations which forced their employees to take “the jabs” were not. Maybe it’s time the lawsuits started (and those suits, perhaps, should extend to those social media outlets which barred folks who tried to raise these issues – yes, that means Facebook and Google/youtube, etc.).

  4. Nancy Pelosi, is to old to even talk about dementia, she already has it. I dont think Pelosi and Biden can even have a talk about the rain, without telling a Lie.

  5. Crazy piglosi look in the dam mirror, if u don’t break it, u have dementia, or are just drunk all the time, I can’t tell ever tell ,u are so evil, and out of it,stfu.

  6. Nancy Pelosi is a joke. She shows how stupid the Democratic Party really is. She is an absolute disaster from start to finish from the beginning of her career till now she is a absolute disgrace to the American people. She’s a piece of shit.

  7. She is just as clueless as biting us. Anybody who votes for the Democrats for presidency, you are just as eager to destroy this country as they are. This world is nothing but a disaster. Go President Trump. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  8. My comment should have said, she is just as clueless as Biden is. Talking text decided to put something else in there. Lol
    It put biting us. Actually, they are biting us right in our ass.

  9. My husband got the vax the first time around. After he had 2 valves replaced. Then had heart issues so bad that one valve was failing. Turned out that the vax killed that valve and had it replaced a second time. No doctor to this day pushed him into getting that shot. Mmm we know that now. Never got the illness and living the dream as all retired people do.


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