Dems Predict Biden Will DROP OUT as Katie Hobbs GETS CAUGHT!!!



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Katie Hobbs belongs in prison.


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  2. Your news is propaganda BS Just like most of the rest of these news agencies nowadays. We never know who or what to believe because you guys all fabricate news to fit your agenda and that sucks for the American people. Wake The fuck Up! This two-party political system is a bunch of bullshit anymore because no one attempts bipartisanship In the name of doing what’s right for America and not your agenda for your rich friends and politicians. SO GET THE FUCK OFF MY CLOUD! Donald Trump is a Dangerous moron and anyone who can’t see that is a fucking moron too!

  3. Joel: Joe Biden is the dangerous moron, not Trump. Jill won’t let dopey Joe drop out because she wants to be the “first lady” for four more years. It’s all about her needs and desires. Never mind that Joe is a senile, brain-dead walking cadaver who’s destroying America.

  4. Don’t respond to the Soros paid troll. 1.5 billion, at least, is being paid out behind the scenes. One scheme is paying trolls to post anything and everything they want negative against Trump. Don’t waste your time. Just post “troll” if you need too

  5. Hobbs rigged the election in her own favor! As Secretary of State, she ran the election, certified her own election, and is in office illegally! Kari Lake won, but Hobbs stold the election! Hobbs needs to be removed and charged for election interference, and now this should sink her for good. If she skates on this, we know Soros is helping her AGAIN! She is a bought and paid for Soros plant! She must be removed, and the real winner, Kari Lake put in the office she won!

  6. The leftist democrats moved from cali to az Oregone and Seattle all contributed to our demise shame on them disgusting pigs ducey had no spine and Hobbs is a disgrace lord help us please

  7. One thing is for sure Hobbs does belong in jail. If there were not a two tired justice system she would already gotten her ORANGE JUMPSUIT. Just lime Hit women Hillary.

  8. Wow! I can’t believe how unhinged, uneducated and uninformed you are about our current political system. You’re advocating for violence? Well that’s not okay…ever! Please lord help us because he would never condone this behavior!


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