No one was expecting this! Democrat TURNS on her party while voting!



Who else wants these Trump prosecutors prosecuted?

I will vote for a convicted felon for president for a third time. Trump 2024!!


  1. Good for her! It is about time the demonrats wake up! When Trump is back in office, the demonrat crap will stop. Yes, I AM voting for Trump! Biden ( per obama’s directive) is destroying our country! That is the Obama plan, destroy our country from the inside! Well, we have to stop that plan by re electing Trump. He is the only one who can get our country back! GO MAGA!!!!!!

  2. What is wrong with this country is people who have no morals and will support a convicted criminal, liar, womanizer, and thinks the law doesn’t apply to him! He wants to become a dictator for gods sake! He devalues women and their rights! I’m sure are founding fathers are turning in their graves and the rest of the world is laughing their asses off! Trump and his supporters are a disgrace and will be responsible for the biggest decline in democracy in US history!

    • You are letting the “View” get in the way of your voting privileges. I suppose YOU have done NO wrong?? President Trump was SET UP by the crooked Democrats. I’ll vote for him if He is even sent to prison because I don’t believe in the Democrats. Democrats are NOT what they used to be. I’m SORRY you feel the way you do!

    • You must be thinking of biden. Isn’t he the poster person for being a pedo, commiting crimes but too senile to stand trial, a compulsive and every day liar, such a family man as seem by his kids. Stop watching CNN and the media and check out both candidates!?

    • Why are you projecting O’Biden all over us, you moron?

      You like high inflation?

      You like high gas?

      You like high invasion?

      You like utter division?

      You like a bite-me economy?

      You MUST be a plant, you CAN’T be so stupid, can you?

    • You must be thinking of Biden called a leader of the kkk his friend and mentor. Has weaponized all the forces of the government against no just Trump but people who questioned the school board. Belive that infanticide is OK to kill a baby during the birth process and lies more then he tells the truth. Talk about the destruction of morals he and his adult son are about as immoral as it comes

    • Sheepole here fo sho.
      You’re probably an evil Democrat scumbag and don’t worry everybody’s going to get theirs in the end exactly what they deserve for exactly who they followed

  3. People need to wake up and see what the Democrats are doing to this Nation. We need to vote and get some of the Bad Democrats out of office. You know who the are, Newsom is one, NY Gov. is another , Pelosi is one, Schiff, Schumer, are some of the others, Also get rid of some Mayors. The time is now

    • If WE could get RID of The Obama’s, Soros’s, and some of the others just to name a few, Pelosi, Schiff, Chaney, Shumer needs to GO to Prison for things they have done also.

    • I fear we’ve moved beyond the ballot box.

      The ammo box is next in line for restoring America.

      Just my honest opinion.

        • Well that’s a bad note because we’re severely lacking in each one of those things in this country currently just remember during the Revolutionary War only 8% of the population got up and kicked the british’s butt and now we got to do it again what did Thomas Jefferson say occasionally the tree of Liberty has to be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants

  4. Well that’s a bad note because we’re severely lacking in each one of those things in this country currently just remember during the Revolutionary War only 8% of the population got up and kicked the british’s butt and now we got to do it again what did Thomas Jefferson say occasionally the tree of Liberty has to be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants

  5. How much destruction,can one incompetent,arrogant,egotistical,pathetic,lying,sickpedo,racist,pretending,phony,puppet,fool,do,look at 3 and a half years of hidenbiden,is all u need to see.He has replaced u with fkg illegals from around the world.U want this pathetic,embarrassment,back to finish America off.Wake the fk up.Trump in a landslide from jail.


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