Michelle Obama And Oprah Are NEW NIghtmare Party



Trump 2024 ❤

;A free car for everyone;. For the first time in my life I am proud of my country". This is not what our country needs.


  1. Hi I won’t be joining their party I hear she’s not a woman is transgender and Oprah interviewed Harold and Megan Markle which broke up the royal family. Neither are popular anymore. Or relevant. So no neither are going anywhere.

  2. This is a joke. Do they really think enough people are still stupid enough to vote them in anything but child trafficking pedophilia and bribery treason bullshit scamming lol a joke

  3. Both women are as far left as they come. They would destroy what is left of America. Don’t think they would help anyone but themselves.

  4. Both racists, Oprah, which everybody knows she’s a racist and Obamadicks wife, both are a bunch of racist bitches. I hope they both rot in hell too.

  5. Whatever they are spewing or selling, not interested….a couple of has-been, egotistical angry people who are worth so much money, they cannot begin to relate to the lives of real women and their challenges….

  6. Seriously? You MUST be joking! Who in hell would vote for either of them? They are so racist, America hating, anti semitic, anti white people ever! Anyone voting for them would need serious psychiatric help! Moochelle hates America, Oprah grifts people out of their money for her “ lame foundations” that help no one! Remember she and duane Johnson tried to start a fund for the victims of the horrible fires in Hawaii? They were found out rapidly, and it went nowhere! Oprah is buying up as much land in Hawaii, so SHE can own half the island. To their political party, I not only say NO, but HeLL NO! They couldn’t even win a booby prize, much less an election! But——- they could buy one! Just like Oprah bought obama’s first election! Losers!

    • who would vote for them? the same White communist that watch “The Spew” everyday, to get advice from a crack whore…….

  7. Thanks Patty, you said a lot that needed to be said but I have one more thing to add. These worthless cooties think their opinions matter,NOT. In fact these 2 clowns and their opinions aren’t worth what comes out of my a** after a bad fast food meal. There, said, fixed it for ya, thanks!

  8. While moochelle and Barack both went to law school, got their law licenses, both LOST their law licenses due to illegal, nefarious activities! No one is saying that! Neither moochelle or Oprah would be good candidates for much of anything, other than a pedophile club. And they are taking their “ party” internationally, they won’t get much support. There are still brainwashed people who think they are “ wonderful”, most people do not like them! So—— NO they wouldn’t get my vote! Oprah’s school for girls in Africa had bad publicity about the sexual abuse of the girls, but it was buried and covered up, Oprah NEVER acknowledged that fact, so she skated free on that! Like she skated free on a lot of other things, because she has the money to buy a coverup! Truth be told, they probably have a LOT to answer for. Will they be held accountable? NO!


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