Trump STORMS OUT of Michael Cohen case + Fani Willis Disqualification Update!!



About time the GOP stood behind PRESIDENT TRUMP

YES, REMOVE FANI WILLIS. There. Should be Noooo……room for CORRUPTION!!!!!


  1. Yes get rid off her. Joe Biden is nothing more than a Traitor to America. Send him to Israel and let them deal with him. They won’t play games with him.

  2. Here’s a major issue! Joe Biden has never lost an election. He’s withdrawn before — but in 50 years he has never lost. He doesn’t know he can. He doesn’t know how it feels. He’s shockingly stupid on this point.

  3. Joe is a PATHALOGICAL LIAR, thief of other peoples words and originalie was Barack Husen Obamahs Life Insurance Policy. If he was JFKed we had Joe to step in, like wise TODAY if Joe got JFKed we have Kamela. Even Obama said Joe has NEVER been on the right side of any decision. God forgive his wife for letting him represent America.

  4. The Democrat party IS the Mafia! Before the RICO ACT, the Mafia would pay off politicians for many reason to favor the Mafia. After the RICO ACT was created, the Mafia BECAME Democratic politicians. The structure of the Democratic Party mirrors the Mafia’s structure. If a Democrat stays loyal to the (FAMILY), they will be rewarded by being appointed to a high paying job whether the Democrat is qualified or not. From what has occurred during this Administration, what we have seen, and experienced during this administration, the loyal Democrats (Mafia) members are NOT QUALIFIED!

  5. Can’t believe I almost died in Korea for my country at age 17 fighting the Chinese! Our whole country’s legal system is corrupt as far as I’m concerned.
    We need to pray (and vote) to the good Lord that Trump will be president again
    Bob Barfield
    Orlando, Fl.


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