He Caught Stormy Daniels In A Lie – Merchan Will NOT Allow This To Be Shown In Court



The fact that the judge would withhold the actual truth just goes to to show the world that this all political. How can anyone deny it.

I'm not a fan of Bill Maher, but I give him some credit for making this public. He could have kept silent, but he didn't.


    • Fred, I’ve been thinking the same as you about Stormy from the very start. Stormy is nothing but a high priced whore who only jumps into bed with her friends and she has no enemies. And if the affair did happen I feel it should be between Trump and his wife when she learned what took place.

  1. For Stormy Daniels to have this ( supposedly) alleged affair with President Trump I would like to know how much money the liberal left is paying her to continue with this nonsense lie? It doesn’t look like there was an affair, at least not with President Trump. All of these trials are just costing time and lots of money, all of us are sick and tired of it all.

  2. OK if Stormy is lying to the court then aswe all no that is perjury and it is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison so my question is when is she going to be charged and when does her prison sentence Begin>

  3. She lied both times! She is, and has been, paid big bucks to lie! Merchan should never have her testimony go on record, but this is a smear campaign against Trump! He is in on it as well. Cohen lied as well. HE was probably the one having the affair with her. Now she is trying to paint herself as a victim, while Trump is REALLY the victim of false accusations! Merchan should be removed from the case, disbarred and charged with not following the rule of law. If he convicts Trump, Trump will win on appeal.


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