Donald Trump gets 2 HUGE WINS + Jim Jordan Investigates Jack Smith



WE THE PEOPLE stand with President Trump

They all need to sit in a prison cell! What a waste of tax payers money with these court cases! Trump 2024! Biden has to go


  1. It is a disgrace that so many of the citizens of this great country are allowing themselves to be so deceived by the evil, wicked, satanic spirit that is sweeping across our land and the world, as a whole.
    This deceiving spirit is coming forth from the enemy of man, Satan, the devil, and being spread by all of his cohorts (those who listen to his voice and follow the leadership of his thoughts and ideas around the world). But the prophecies of God’s Word are one by one being fulfilled as they have foretold what the people of the world would become as time progressed…. and that in the last days of this era we have been in, how utterly wicked, and lying (deceiving), and murderous, mankind would become, and how they would be so easily deceived by those lying spirits that would be sweeping through the world of man…. achieved duly because of the widespread lawless minds and hearts of the people who God had created….. and who owe Him their loyalty (obedience), respect and gratitude, instead of the disloyalty, disobedience and dissonance with His truths and commandments in light of the fact that they owe their very existence in the world of the living solely to Him. But they listen to the liar, the deceiver, in preference over Him.
    No wonder there are multitudes who are blindly listening to, and following, the forerunner of the most wicked, lying-est human being who will ever be known on the face of this earth…. he is certainly the most living proof that the world has yet seen of that evil, wicked political leader that God’s Word has forewarned us will be revealed one day to the people of this earth. No, I’m not saying that this wanna-be president again is the prophesied antichrist….. but this politician is the living proof for the world to see of how evil and wicked and destructive the real guy will be, as this forerunner is showing us such a graphic picture of how evil, wicked, and vindictive a person can be.
    If this man is elected again as the president of this country come this November 2024, it will be because of the fulfillment of the prophecies of II Thessalonians 2:9-12… it will be because of the working [i.e., the active energies, the powers with which error works, the operation of the Evil One in his life, carrying out the objectives the Evil One wants him to do] of Satan. (That’s why he is such a liar, so immoral, and so inhumane in his treatment of any one who disagrees with him…. his heart follows after the personality and inclinations of God’s enemy, Satan….. and right now, he is the most impactful person on the earth for the devil….. after nearly 45 years of preaching God’s Word, the condition of one’s heart becomes clearly visible, as it is seen by the lifestyle(s) they live by, and by whose words of counsel they live by).
    If a person is of God, you obey Him and His counsels; and if Satan is a person’s father [see John 8:44], you do [practice, carry out] the desires (things, lusts, longings) that he wants you to do (i.e., carry out, participate in, have as part of your life, identify with).

    • The Lord s inline for the Presidency of Biden is retired early, and he should be. They say a seed of good will grow from the ashes of evil. Barack Obama appears to be a huge threat. He is a Muslim who has been exposed for dating men, and he is not is not in line legally to assume the Presidency, the Vice President and he is a suspect in a murder at his home. Evil has a political grip on everyone, but God will grab control of the direction of the human race out of this mad house upheaval of law and order. The devil will be buried in his own ashes, have faith. It’s coming!

      • My computer freaked out in my response to Johnny it mixes words and displaces sentences, and the Vice President is not a suspect in a homicide with Obama.the vice president is in line for the presidency not Obama she would be great.


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