BACKFIRE: Libs ATTACK Bikini-Clad Riley Gaines For Being ‘A Man’ | Instantly DESTROYED by Internet



She should sue them for "misgendering" her. If Libs can do it, why can't she.

The person calling Riley Gaines a man is one of the same people calling Lia Thomas a woman.


  1. One beautiful All American woman, who called out the WOKE delusional Marxist Democrats promoting Transgenderisms

  2. If the politicians, bureaucrats, and America haters would start working, they might have half the muscles she has. Do some darn work. Glad I am not into hate speech. Blame game. Corruption. They have the nerve to attack Trump. Fix yourselves before pushing all your garbage on hard working, real Americans. Everything is a crisis to these out of touch people. Money mismanagement. Foreign policy disasters. Border out of control. Crime up in every state. Universities and colleges supposed to be teaching classes. Not camping out in tents with hate speech. Pushing EV’s without planning. Fix electric grid, first. It’s obvious this administration, funded by Soros, Gates, and others, are trying to destroy a free country. Although they are giving illegal immigrants free stuff. I meant Americans freedoms. If they do not like America. Move. Nothing stopping them. Except maybe their criminal record. I will say it again. Repent and be Baptized. Pray in Jesus Name.

  3. The above article was right. Tlhese people who hate American are sickos and need to leave this country and form one for themselves; then we know that they wont last very long. How screwedup is our so-called president, the liberals and all these other hateful people; they don’t have the guts to leave. All they do is complain about the USA. Since we cant depend on our politicians to do whats right; maybe they should leave too. Guess the best solution is to have the American people form a vigilante group to get rid of them anti-Americans.

  4. If Riley is a man, she’s doing a great job of hiding her d**k. As for the one who thinks American women are not feminine, unlike in your mind, women don’t have d**ks. Your thinking of American men.


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