Smug Bill Maher & guest got a REALITY CHECK last night lol



Trump is not just winning the youth vote….. PPl are praying Trump will fix this country so were all voting for Trump!!!

They are completely delusional. The media only talks about Trump. And don’t talk about Biden and people are tired of it


  1. Good for Kellyanne! Maher is a flat out idiot! He is a leftist blabbermouth thinking he is relevant. Not so mister! He is akin to the nasty old hags on the view. I agree with Kellyanne, those entitled spoiled brats protesting FOR terrorists should be expelled! They should have to get jobs and pay for their own tuition, no student loan forgiveness! If they take out a student loan, THEY should have to pay it, NOT the tax payers! And the university presidents should stop their protests on campus! That is NOT what they are supposedly there for, if they had to work to pay their own tuition, they would have less time for their stupid protests! Biden should strongly stand against this, but he is too weak, plus the demonrats want social unrest, so Biden can declare martial law, stop the election and stay in power. If you don’t think he will do that, think again, he WILL because that is the Obama/ Soros plan to destroy our country from the inside! Biden is obama’s patsy, his fall guy, and Biden is too dumb to see it! He needs to be removed, along with cackles Harris! They are doing NOTHING for our country, but a lot TO our country. And, the plan is to “ install” moochelle as president, just like Biden was. Wake up folks, demand their removal, and STOP THE STEAL! We need Trump back in office now more than ever! VOTE MAGA!!!!!

    • Patty, quick question: have you ever read a political statement another person online has made that has ever changed your thinking one way or another? Things to think about when you post your next political statement online.

      • I don’t think that a persons political comments should sway you one way or the other but they do make you aware of how others think-I happen to know many that can’t discuss issues because they don’t have the real facts or knowledge to back up their position—Discuss-argue but know your facts I do get points after discussions and later look up information to make sure I was on point as everyone should.

      • Maybe not for someone like you but a presentation of facts often alters one’s perspective on an issue. If what you say was true dems wouldn’t spend billions on leftist agiprop

        • Patty,
          You are correct. But, unfortunately, America may have ‘passed the point of no return!’ There is a slim chance, however, that America may survive the democrat’s deliberate destruction of America ONLY if the republicians can control the integrity of the 2024 presidential vote count. If not, we are finished as a two party constitutional republic. The Obama Soros strategists will have won.


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