It Was A Shakedown’ Key Witness In Trump Case SLAMS Stormy




At this point who hasn't slammed Stormy?


  1. Everyone i the United States needs to be born-again and get saved knowing Jesus Christ as lord and savior because if you don’t know him then you’re just going to have to pay for your own sins because Jesus Christ did it on the cross once and for all he said he died for all mankind once so that all might be saved the world thinks it’s a joke but the joke will be on you if you don’t believe and save yourself from this evil world that you all think is your home heaven is my home not the earth you must be born-again the Bible says no other way period!!!!

    • Yes, people need to repent. BUT, Sorry… you were propagandized. There is NO such “savior” concept (which is Greco-Roman paganism) in Jesus’ personal faith of “every jot and tittle” of The Torah… no one can answer for your sins. Period. Your pagan concept allows lifelong evil-doing people, e.g. Hitler to make a deathbed confession, and then have the same reward as people who lived a lifetime repenting and making positive adjustments to their lives. which is ridiculous. The New Testament was edited hundreds of years after Jesus died, by Romans, who used it to control people.. and much it, like the concept that no man goes to heaven except through Jesus, was lifted from very popular books by Buddha and Krishna, books well knowns for 100 years before Jesus was born. Jesus IS allowed to help answer prayers, but ANY person can do that fir any other person, by mutual agreement. Besides, Jesus told John, who mistook Jesus for an angel, in the last few verses of Revelations that he was only a fellow servant, and to worship God.

  2. Jesus said save yourself from this retched world it’s time for America to wake up from whats going on in this world and another thing the Bible says all that are for Israel God is for all that are against Israel the lord Jesus Christ is against all you small nations that surround Israel God is against because you hate Israel i love Israel they are my brothers and sisters in Christ blessings to everyone in Jesus Christ name!

  3. What Donald Trump does in his personal life, who he sleeps with is his business ( and none of anybody else’s business). The only thing people care about is his ability to get us out of the nightmare and quagmire of the last 3+ years. The sooner people realize personal business is irrelevant and unimportant, the better. Really 4 more years of joey bidee and his clown cadre will completely destroy the USA and if you think this is alarmist , take a look at what the liberals have done to California, from Oregon to the Mexican border for a real wake up call. If you want this nationwide, well you know who to vote for or you’re clueless and have your head up your ass or been smokin;’ bad weed (where legal ). I cound say more but what’s the point and if the last 3+ years under the liberals haven’t convinced you of what they’re all about, sadly you’re beyond help.


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