BREAKING: Trump EXONERATED in Stormy Daniel Hush Money Trial!



It’s about time!! But what a waste of time and Tax payer money! Trump 2024

They should all be indicted, not Trump


  1. This whole slew of indictments against Trump are nothing but proof of just how corrupt our government has become under the Biden administration and you have to be some kind of stupid to continue to support this pathetic,corrupt,anti-american president

  2. This Country Will Never Be The Same Because This Senile President Has Destroyed Everything Good About It !! I’m. I Can’t Wait Until biden Is Rotting Un He’ll!!!

  3. You people need to really wake up!!! This “person” is a delusional, disgusting, and not very bright!! Stop blaming everyone and everything for his illegal activities. All of you have blinders on and will regret what comes of this country if this lunatic is in power

    • Amerika was great until Trump showed up? My ancestors separated from the evil empire because of 1 tax, that only Southerners were to pay? The yankee trash brought the slaves here, then attacked the South when they could no longer sell slaves? blame others ? typical hypocrite, yankee trash.

      • You certainly can’t be referring to Trump. Its darn liberals who are playing dirty pool. Where were they in the Clinton/Lewinski and JFK & Marilyn Monroe scandal which is worse and more embarrassing to this country. Oh, they were democrats so thats ok; nothing was done about that and it was far worse.

  4. LMFAO Really? This drummed-up dumbass and this latest bit of BS information manufactured to do nothing more than create the opposition as to why Douche’ Jackass Trump has you so fooled because he brainwashed you to be one too! Let’s keep it real instead and let justice prevail in proving the facts.

    • since barry boy obama, IT has been called the Dept. of JUST US (communist). The FIBbers caused the insurrection in Dallas Texas on Nov. 22 1963. Created the unGREATful SOCIETY, ruined the school system, broke up the black families? Now we are bankrupt? RED states need to separate from Amerika, AGAIN ! Make Men Free again

    • Short and convenient loss of memory , Esmie forgot Sleezy Bill Clinton , , during is tenure , inside the white house …. JFK and Marylin , Ted Kennedy and Mary Joe (may she rest in peace) , Hillary and American men left to kill on Benghazi , Under Obama orders , destruction of official documents , the runner with Hillary having a baby with somebody else while wife dying with cancer. ….. What is common with all this is that everyone of them was officially part of our governments at the times ….
      I n the case of Trump , he gets prosecuted by Democrats for having an affair with a hooker while he was just a private citizen with no involvement in our government , funny? ….
      You may notice that I left out the G at the end of your name , that way
      anybody can add rda , and will reflect your comments better , google can help you.

  5. Trump did a great job when he was President no wars , closed borders, lower taxes and lower gas and food now we have high gas and food and wars and terrorists killing and raping Americans. Corruption and Lies and Violence is a way of life for Democrats.

  6. If lyou support the democrats and their socialism then you have been brain=washed. Have you ever been to a socialist country, I been to about 5, includilng behind the Iron Curtain. I see how poorly they all live with their restrictions under the rich controlling head leaders. Why do all these illegals want to leave their socialist country and come to the US. A 5th grader can figure that out. DUH! Do some research on Canada which is becoming a socialist country thanks to the liberal leader. They are going down the toilet like the US is.


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