Holy SH*T The U.S. is Building WHAT in Gaza???!!! This explains EVERYTHING | Redacted News



Blinken was in Obama's cabinet, fact..

"We had no representative in Washington. We have one only party". Col. Mc Gregor was 100% absolutely right.


  1. We owe Israel ZIPPO after all these years of supporting them with our foreign AID aka tax dollars and what have we gotten in return? i’ll wait for a credible answer but won’t hold my breath, too late, answer Zippo. Time for the stooges in DC to look out for America for a change, Enough of this BS, America first!

    • Bill they are the only ally we have in the Middle East. In regards to Ukraine, they are simply a “slushfund” for Marxist Democrat rebates/bribes.

      You and I and our country agree, Trump 2024 MAGA

      • Thanks General Patton, I could’nt agree more. That said, it’s time the clowns in DC took care of America and the American people first before any foreign country. Really the American people have a golden opportunity to get rid of all the liberals running this great country into the ground so badly that some places (like the large cities in California ) resemble beruit, calcutta, dacca, mogadishu, nairobi and port au prince. I could go on but what’s the point? Anybody with half a brain can see that 4 more years of joey and heels up will destroy America guaranteed. The American people have a choice on November 5th 2024, either joey bidee or Donald Trump. They’ve seen and endured 3+ years of joey bidee and his incompetent and inept clown cadre sans laughter and need to realize that voting for the liberals who’ve proven time and time again their incompetence and ineptitude, fiscal prudence and plain old common sense (they’re cut from the same bolt of cloth so nothing will change) will get more of the same BS, pure and simple, guaranteed. A footnote: I live in San Francisco, was born and raised here and come from a pre 1906 earthquake and fire family who if they (all gone now), could see this former gem of the golden state now only golden in the piss and feces littering the streets, sidewalks and parks of this city that some neoighborhoods are actual biohazards would say, “what the hell happened, why did you allow this BS”. Nobody here in their right mind voted for this nor the liberal or progressive to sound less dangerous slugs hell bent on destroying things. As they say, voting, like everything in life has consequences, some of them dire and California is evidence of the dire consequences of continually electing liberals who’ve proven their ineptitude, incompetence and inability to run things, other than into the ground. Time to vote for some conservatives for a welcome change. Who knows, it couldn’t hurt? Really this isn’t rocket science but common sense.

  2. U stupid,ignorant,people don’t history very well, Israel is GOD’s chosen people,this land is theirs, the wars they fought, and land they have is theirs.They have allowed palistine to live there and share the land,but they hate Israel so bad, they continue to attack them.No two state solutions ever again, why will no other country accept the palestinians?Simple no one trusts terrorists, especially them, who pledged their allegiance to hamas,their radical and hate america.

    • Every Amerikan city has a Gaza strip, money goes in, only HATE comes out. We defeated NAZI Germany 80 years ago. Today we are NAZI Amerika. We have a Gestapo, control freaks and buildings where it is legal to kill people, every day (abortion mills). The Germans didn’t sell body parts for profit, we do. GOD hates hypocrites, so do I

  3. We give to UKRAINE cause of Biden owning them for the BS of hunters. Yet Israel who’s been there on our side for years and don’t really need our help is made the bad guys. Go figure !!! Look at how we took the world apart after 911. And now yall say Israel doesn’t have the right to defend their people and country. Once again the Muslims nstarted this BS and yall take their side for murdering women and children. Remember vthat when it’s your family’s being murdered. Dumb azz’s

  4. My understanding the Ukraine president just bought a billion dollar home in UK. He owns two big ships for personal use.
    Is our taxes supporting him?


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