Walmart Removes ALL Self-Checkout Lanes From Some Stores… WHY?



I don’t use self checkout because employees lives matter.

Just arrest the shoplifters!


  1. I shop Wal-Mart every week and use the self check. Yes there is theft. It is obvious to me. They act like they care less. Don’t know why they pay people to do nothing in the store and at the exit! No checking at all. What do they expect?

  2. Sams same way. It’s so obvious.they scan a few items and then go over to the food area. And then when it’s busy or what ever they go to get out. If questioned they say oh I guess I missed that.

  3. I use self checkout, because it eliminates one more person touching my food. I can also ensure that my bread won’t squash, my fruits are not bruised, and my eggs are not broken.
    I stopped shopping at Walmart when they removed the self-checkout. I would rather pay a little more so I don’t see my fruit bouncing down the conveyer. I had to throw out every tomato on my last trip to WM.

  4. I never use self check out. I value the people that are working there. The ones that i think they should change are the store shoppers. I watch them loading their carts especially the fresh produce. I would not like them to choose my veggies and fruit. They also make it hard for real customers by blocking the aisles!

  5. I shop at Wal-Mart and I have no complaints. I shop at other food stores sometimes and I don’t have any complaints there either. If I’m concerned about somebody touching my food, I’d just wash it when I got home. Even with grocery prices as high as they are, at least some things are reasonable. I find the employees to be helpful and friendly, the rest is up to me. If I find something to be too high for my budget, I just don’t buy it or just buy the minimum I can get by with. The Wal Mart I shop at makes my day brighter.

  6. What it means is the accountants have discovered what employees are paid is less than the cost of what people are stealing. So much for human behavior. At the same time, Walmart’s decision to do this self service when inflation is high and people’s income is low and prices have gone up wasn’t well thought out. When that reverses and self service becomes less expensive than paying employees, look for self service to return.

  7. I like the self check because I can go in & out faster, however I also like to use the checker so he or she has a job! If your worried about someone touching your veggies- grow your own! I don’t mind washing mine before placing them in the frig!

    We need to get the law changed so that shop lifters are punished, not pampered!

  8. I do minimal shopping at Wal Marts now. You have to watch their pricing now like a hawk. One small example. You will see a 1 LB package of strawberries for $1.50, but the two-pound package is on sale for $4.00! I have seen this on numerous items in their stores. What a deal! Self-Check out is still open in our Wal Mart.

    We now have new Publix near to us now. A little more $$ but, they are a much better store! All their registers have a check out person and a bagger! They also have self-check outs!

    Happy Shopping

  9. I refuse to use self checkout. Rather deal with a human. Same with telephone. Hate punching 25 numbers only to be returned to the first menu. You want my business hire more help or I’ll shop elsewhere!

  10. Trust me… The employees do not want you walking in 10 minutes before closing. They’ve been working all day and are ready to close and go home.

  11. I never use self checkout. I just prefer to deal with a human who is working for a living and appreciates their customers and wishes me a Nice Day. I can use all the good wishes I can get. AND I admire all people who do a hard days work instead of living off of the welfare dime or are stealing to avoid honest work.


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