Adam Schiff RIPPED by Elise Stefanik Using His Own Words to Expose the Hypocrisy of Democrats



Schitf has zero credibility!!

I have no faith in California not electing this grifter and liar to the Senate.


  1. I have no confidence in Adam Schiff as he is a liar and will say anything to get more money and stay in charge. He needs to be put in jail for all the trouble he has caused with his lies. send him to another country.

  2. Don’t forget “ shifty” schiff is married into the Soros family. He has lied so much, he wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him in the face! If Californians elect him into the senate, they will regret it. Why do they keep electing him and Piglosi into our government? And re electing newSCUM as governor? They must like how their state is bieng destroyed. Also, don’t forget newscum is piglosi’s nephew. Can anyone say nepotism? Vote for Garvey to for senator. Boot schiff out!

  3. Schiff will never change his modus operandi. He is a pathetic and habitual liar and cannot believe the voters of California can even think about electing this man again! Do yourselves – and the country – a huge favor and retire this disgraceful moron while the opportunity is here!

  4. Politicians lie, and pretty much everyone knows this. Why do they lie? Is it just a part of their job… description? Maybe it is… Ever thought about that? Who controls the selection of the politicians? Do you? Not hardly. But you are given the illusion that you do, aren’t you. Why does that illusion exist? So you are more willing to participate in the current political systems, soon to end. And this does not matter in what nation/government we are discussing. It is the situation in ALL human governments worldwide and has been since the time of Adam, our first ancestor. We are ALL descendants of Adam.
    The answer to this ‘riddle’ is given to us in the Bible; Luke 4:1 Then Jesus, full of Holy Spirit, turned away from the Jordan, and he was led about by the spirit in the wilderness 2 for 40 days, being tempted by the Devil. And he ate nothing in those days, so when they had ended, he felt hungry. 3 At this the Devil said to him: “If you are a son of God, tell this stone to become a loaf of bread.” 4 But Jesus answered him: “It is written, ‘Man must not live on bread alone.’”
    5 So he brought him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” 8 In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God (Psalms 83:18) you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’” – Has the pastor/priest in any church ever explained this to you, or do they simply encourage you to participate in Satan’s political system(s)? I was raised as a catholic, served as an altar boy for years, so I know very well the answer to this; you MUST do your duty and vote! Of course, pastors and priests don’t really use any Bible; they go by ‘church doctrine’ or they are soon out of that ‘religion.’ If you have questions about this, please ask, or email me with your doubts/questions; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. PLEASE remember THIS;
    “As long as you live, keep learning how to live”
    – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  5. My question is, why don’t people just vote him out. He’s another Joe, lie, lie. If Sh**face ever told the truth, lighting would strike him.


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