WARNING! NYC Gives Migrants 30 Days To VACATE | HUGE Trump Jail Update!



I hope the US citizens in New York City wake up and vote for Donald Trump.

Fellow Americans in New York voted for this. I blame them


  1. Trump loved New York so much, and for them to turn their backs on him. Shows their democrat comminist Muslim Obomba China lovers. Not Americans. If voteing demomocrat your commies American killers.

  2. Once they have been moved out, then what will the owners of the immigrant occupied, government funded residences do without the monthly government payments ??

  3. The trial of Trump is a waste of tax payer money. This was not a crime.
    Houseing illegals also a waste of tax payer money.
    Illegals need to be sent back and apply the correct and legal way.
    This country is in a lot of trouble thanks to Biden, and the puppet masters. If we don’t solve the mess soon we may not have a country.

    • In all fairness we have to blame previous presidents who also failed. As far as the immigrants they are here to work if given a chance. I’m sure if they were white it would be different. By the way all foreigners are illegal and have no right being here. I belong here because my ancestors were here first and it is our country. In addition, many other people were brought here by force they didn’t ask to be here. However this is the USA and we should be thankful that it is a caring country.

      • A very large number of these illegal immigrants are NOT here to work and have said so outright or by their actions. Many are foreign terrorists and Too many military aged single males, especially from China, are likely here for nefarious reasons that just have not come to light yet.

      • you are wrong. illegal aliens are here for the free stuff. democrat run states have been giving out free phones, schooling (including college), no test drivers licenses, no test CDL’s, and even free housing for 30 years.

        The illegals are here to leech off you.

    • illegal aliens are here for the free stuff. democrat run states have been giving out free phones, schooling (including college), no test drivers licenses, no test CDL’s, and even free housing for 30 years.

      The illegals are here to leech off you.

  4. Illegals don’t know what to do? GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!!! Free stuff isn’t free… It’s WE THE PEOPLE PAYING FOR IT. Take your free ID because when it comes to deport you the ID will tell ICE where to come for you.

  5. So now we know why they really didn’t want Trump to build the wall. Between their “Climate Change AGENDA” working on behalf of Satan, manipulating the weather, and them doing MAN MADE things the weather to put all of their DIABOLICAL PLANS in order to bring about a Sunday Law. which will be the “Mark of the BEAST”

    • In democrat run Washington state governor jay inslee declared we are in a drought. I an going skiing at two different ski areas in Washington this weekend. Skiing usually ends between April first and April 14th om Washington.

      It rained over most of the state two days ago. My son lives on the opposite end of the state and he had a contractor out to use a tracked skid steer to clear 4 acres of black berries last week. It got stuck in the mud and had to be towed out.

      I have daughter near me who has a place of property she had scheduled a well to be drilled on. the driller is rescheduling because it is still to muddy to drill.

      We do not have a drought. This is just another democrat lie to try an push their fake climate agenda.

      Democrats lie constantly.

      I am so sick of their BS. I sure wish the stupid democrat loyalists were a little more honest with them selves.

      Democrats truly are evil.

  6. what happened to ny being a sanctuary city and state?

    What happened to the right to housing law NY city passed? the city forced land lords to house drug addicts at low city paid rent for years while the drug addicts ruined the buildings.

    Once again the liberals/democrats/progressives are proving everything they think do and say is bs on judgement day. Today is judgement day for NY’s BS democrats.


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