NY AG Letitia James LOSES APPEAL & SCREAMS At Judge Engoron For Doing This For Trump




We believe Donald Trump is the best President in the world, we American want America great again and 2024 Trump !!!


  1. Every last Kangaroo Court Judge and the Criminal DAs, AGs, and Prosecutors need to be DISBARRED, Prosecuted, and sent to Prison
    for the remainder of their natural lives without any possible pardon
    or parole !
    Include in this Joe Biden and his entire criminal administration !
    I say they all can FiretrUCK themselves in Prison !

    • Wow how stupid are you? Are you in the 5th grade? That is the only thing that could be possible with your thinking. What a Dolt!!!

      • Jeff if your post is in response to Thomas then you must be the one who is in the fifth grade. Better yet more likely first grade. Thomas is 100 % correct and you are a demented democrat.

      • I know how STUPID you are Jeff. Just keep posting. It really shows just that.
        I’m thinking you are a LEFTIST FREAK AND WEIRDO.
        Can I get a AMEN !!??

    • I agree 100% they all belong in prison , Biden and is whole family belong in prison along with all the Democrats that follow him.

    • Anyone who listens and follows that lying mouth, has a rude awakening if he wins. His rhetoric is enough to scare a reasonable, logical person. Do you EVEN LISTEN to this nutcase? You believe everything he says, so apparently living in a dictatorship is just fine with you. He has told you on more than one occasion that he will be a dictator. Perhaps you don’t understand what it means when he says “This will be the last election.” Is there a rational person around that can explain this concept to you?

      • Gene Mitchell;
        Where exactly do you get this trash. BJT never said it would be the last election, the mental case, Liz Chaney did. The quote stated many times was that for one day he would be a dictator. Not over the country, but over the criminals that have permitted the government, to be corrupted. In other words clean house! It amazing how people twist words and meanings to fit their narrow narrative.
        If you stop taking things out of context, and only pick out portions of comments, of course he would look like a criminal, but whose fault is that?
        Let’s try it on you.
        “Anyone who listens is a logical person, believe everything he says.”
        These are your words, not mine. I simply did what you did, I picked out the parts that fit my narrative. That doesn’t make it true, any more then your creative rewriting does!

        • Excellent response! DJT’s words are taken out of context, videos are heinously edited to fit the leftist agenda. NPR reporter & Bari Weiss confirm!

      • He has said that yes for 1 day. That would be all he would need. 1st day in office fire all democrats in the Whitehouse, then take and close the border. Stop all rulings Biden has imposed. It could be done in one day. On Day2 but not as a dictator find and send back every illegal that has committed a crime or has a criminal record in their home country,
        that would be a start.

      • Trump isn’t guilty of any of the charges. That’s what makes those charging him look like the criminals they are accusing Trump of. Accusing someone doesn’t make them guilty. Under our founding fathers rules we are “innocent until proven guilty.” Not the other way around. God says those charges will drop off like a bird’s feathers to the ground because they are without merit. Many of them have already proven baseless and been dropped. The rest will come. The real criminals, in my opinion, are the ones charging Trump. They’ve gotta go!

        • He isn’t not guilty of these charges. He’s been charged and after a trial he will be found guilty or innocent. Most innocent people want their day in court sooner than later. All Trump does is delay, delay, delay. That’s telling.

          And God hasn’t said sh!t about the charges. Sorry, man.

          • You much be smoking crack too , you’re all brain dead and your words prove it … the more you dum a crates talk the more you show the people you are , lowlifes everyone of you

          • You are blind and brain washed and designed to believe what the other side says. Start thinking for your self! Don’t be a puppet like the one in the white house

          • Lawyers, not the defendants create trial strategies. If they were constructing a building, BJT would be the expert, but he’s not a lawyer. These are legal moves to level or even tip the system to his advantage. That is what lawyers do and why good ones make so much money. Their reputation is built on winning not losing cases. No lawyer would allow the client in such a highly visible trial to dictate strategy. He doesn’t have to follow what they say, but they would drop him like a hot coal, if he refused. Money does not repair a shattered career.

      • Jeff, I hate to say this but I think you are the jackass for in my modest opinion (which I am sure you will not like), Trump happens to have been the greatest President that this country has ever had and to have 4 more years of Biden, you will not have a country any longer. All I can say is that anyone that votes for Biden or any dumbocrat for that matter should be classified as a terrorist, PERIOD! ABC, CBS and all of the major networks are doing their job successfully by brainwashing you and the other morons out there by making you think that Trump is the bad guy. Just look at Biden. He cannot even put two words together without looking at his cue cards that his administration gives to him to read.

      • You must be smoking crack with hunter , you’re as brain dead as Joe Biden and his son… LOL no wonder our country is in such a S H I T hole.

      • Well as Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!”
        We have perfect examples here.
        Can’t be very intelligent when after 8 years and hundreds of phony charges Trump has NEVER been found guilty of a crime ,!!

      • Jeff Motsinger, Anyone can charge someone with a felony but they have to PROVE it to find them guilty. These jackasses are pissing in the wind, which leaves them quite wet! And not smelling to good either!

      • Hey stupid all the charges so far have been dropped and or proven fake. All are democrat hoaxes to remove D.T. from running again and keep YOUR ” DICTATOR-IN-CHIEF” in office aas to destroy all of our rights. You may think living in a country run by the second Hitler but as a Veteran who took the very same oath the dictator took, and might i say broke, I don’t. I was wrong in my first response to you. Not first grade but kindergarden.

  2. This AG James is nothing but a RETARDED, DEGENERATE PILE OF
    At 86, I’ve voted in every election for 65
    years. I spent 36 years as an university
    administrator/ECONOMICS PROF.
    Highly educated, I taught over 15,000
    undergrads and over 500 MBA graduates. Over the years performed
    over 100 corporate PAID consultations
    and 5 foreign governments PAID Economic consultations. Been all over the world.
    Economist generally are not fond of politicians and political parties.
    The current democratic party of
    Clinton, Obama, and Biden IS COMPETELY CORRUPT and the judicial
    appointees from those three
    PRESIDENTS are essentially “political
    This is the party that produces Human
    Scum like James and Willis and
    hundreds of democratic polticians.!!!

    • Great Richard I could not have said it better. 9 years your junior but see the very same things. As the old saying goes ” You Can’t Fix Stupid”. Translation you cant fix the democrats.

    • Richard, as a legal immigrant and proud American citizen for 56 years I totally agree with you. This is not the country my family immigrated to. Leticia James is a disrespectful b***tch. I’m surprised that the Judge, who is not any better, is putting up with her BS. Throw her in jail and throw the key away. We need to take our country back or move to Venezuela.

  3. To Richard Schulz: Oh-h-h YES Richard! Well said. Thank you. An 80-year old here who thankfully grew up in a better America than today’s Biden gangsters.

  4. Trump will be in prison soon enough. I’m amazed at the number of uneducated, brainwashed losers who follow trump. Fox, Newsmax, Oan just repeat repeat repeat and never have any proof just repeat repeat the same one liners. Good riddens to them all.

    • Being your probably from Steamboat Springs then your already brain washed. What has Biden done but sell off our country while lining his
      pockets, and keeping his son out of prison. Trump won’t see a day in prison people with money seldom do.

    • you know you are delusional and you know you are brainwashed. so why do you persist in repeating the nonsense that Rachel Maddow tells you?

      the rest of us do not watch Rachel Maddow because we all learned long about she is always wrong and always lying.

      It is kind of like believing in the climate change crisis despite 70 years is 100% incorrect climate doom predictions. Since the predictions are wrong 100% of the time that makes the climate deniers right 100% of the time.

      I guess you leftists are just really bad at math.


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