Here’s Why I Just Left This State and I’m Never Coming Back



The mafia never left. They just became politicians

Well, at least Scotty didn’t die again today.


  1. Hell does not exist, Hell is a pagan teaching from old Babylon that was used in the first and second centuries to lure more pagans to join the then-new religion of Christianity. This LIE and teaching has driven more people away from Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) than probably any other lie that the minsters and priests have used to control those who listen to them. And such men have told very many lies indeed such as you having an immortal soul inside of you that leaves your dead body when you die; the Bible teaches that you ARE a living soul. — If you would like to receive all of the post on hell, please email me at [email protected] and request the “full Hell does not exist post”. If you have questions, please ask, or email me with your questions; any help I can provide is always free, as is commanded in the Bible. If you would like to know more about CO2/vaccines/Ukraine, I have dozens of videos explaining these subjects, esp. why climate change is a lie. You can request such information and I will send what I have to you. HELL. See GEHENNA, HADES, SHEOL, TARTARUS. If you want to read the information about how each of these names for HELL were used, please email me and request the information and I will send it to you for free.

    • Hell is six feet under after you die. What happens after you die is that you go to Hades. There’s a good Hades and a bad Hades. The good Hades is where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are. (Luke 16: 19-31)
      Climate change is not a lie. We are emitting tons of carbon dioxide from our automobiles into the air and causing the earth to warm up.

  2. You left ‘a’ state? I left ‘the states’! Back around 98, and I live in Mexico now and that was the best decision I could have made. Like it here so much I married one of them!
    Course, she really adds to ‘best decision I ever made’!

  3. That is your opinion, I draw my own conclusions and form my own opinions from what my good parents taught me, good old school teachers,the U.S. Army and God as I know Him and his Holy Bible

  4. Hell does exist. I have lived it for 68 years. 24 of them were in a bad marriage. As far was leaving the state he is right. We have politicians in NY who are kicking out Trump business’s New business’s are scared to come here. The give free gift cards who should not be here. They want to give Social Security to people who never contributed to it. I have paid since I was 16 and who is going to pay for me when its gone.

  5. The Demonrats seem to destroy everything they have thier corrupt hands on and this is another reason why the country cannot afford another 4 years of them in office

  6. New York state its endemic its corruption everywhere. It is democrat run and it is being run into the ground.

    We are supposed to believe the lawfare against trump is all above board. sure, only a democrat is silly enough to believe that.


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