James should be disbarred . #TRUMP 2024!!!

We NEED TRUMP back Immediately!!!


  1. Hell does not exist, Hell is a pagan teaching from old Babylon that was used in the first and second centuries to lure more pagans to join the then-new religion of Christianity. This LIE and teaching has driven more people away from Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) than probably any other lie that the minsters and priests have used to control those who listen to them. And such men have told very many lies indeed such as you having an immortal soul inside of you that leaves your dead body when you die; the Bible teaches that you ARE a living soul. — If you would like to receive all of the post on hell, please email me at [email protected] and request the “full Hell does not exist post”. If you have questions, please ask, or email me with your questions; any help I can provide is always free, as is commanded in the Bible. If you would like to know more about CO2/vaccines/Ukraine, I have dozens of videos explaining these subjects, esp. why climate change is a lie. You can request such information and I will send what I have to you. HELL. See GEHENNA, HADES, SHEOL, TARTARUS. If you want to read the information about how each of these names for HELL were used, please email me and request the information and I will send it to you for free.

      • You are so right! Satan definitely does exist, and he is deceiving millions into hell, the lake of fire and brimstone. Even today multitudes will be deceived into going to that place when they take their last breath on this earth.

    • So Jesus was lying when He declared that He has the keys to death, hell and the grave? And Richard Gould is correct? Could you condense your 515151 to 666?

  2. I hope the republicans control all three branches of government in 2025 and they go scorched earth on the democrats like the democrats have done to trump.

    the corruption the democrats have engaged in is unbelievable. Put every single democrat on trial on just as stupid charges as the dmeocrats have done to trump and toss every democrat in prison. Every democrat congress person, governors, judge, sheriff, and government employee. When others scream about it: put them in prison for attempted insurrection.

    Let the Democrats feel the pain of their own tactics.

    • mercy dont have to make up charges on them,,,,but they ve done well in past elections….wont surprise me if they win this one too…to many things happening the Bible says will happen….Prayers for sure, but what happens,….Im leaving it up to HIM

    • C’mon, Gabe H.K.. both parties have their problems, that is for sure.
      but, Trump, now, there is a liar extraordinaire for you!! He can’t tell the truth if his life depended on it! And that ‘platform’ he now posts on, to call it ‘Truth Social’ is purely laughable! And hypocritical to the nth degree….. because practically all that he uplifts to it is a lie…. outright untruths! You know the Bible prophesies that the latter days of this ‘Age’ the earth and humankind is in right now will be led by Satan and his wicked, evil satanic spirits….. and all you have to do is simply look around at this world we live in… and what is it that you see? Evil, wickedness, wrongdoings galore, lawlessness of all kinds and from all ilks of life being lived out by practically everyone. And he’s the leader of it all…. in fact, he is the foment-er of it all… the instigator behind the vast majority of the unrest that our nation is experiencing…. oh, it was going on before he began his rise to power, but he stepped to the forefront of the movement, and he has taken control of it, and now he is channeling it in the direction he is wanting it to go….. and heaven help anyone who crosses him, as he turns lose his compatriots on them! For now, its mostly just verbal harassment’s of one nature or another…. but soon, it will lead to a worse level of violence, much worse, as physical beatings and killings will begin to happen (as he has already been intimating should occur with this person or that person, and he has named them!)…. all urged, egged on, and approved by Trump himself! So, as it gets worse, and escalates to that realm of incited violence, remember who was instigating it and continues inciting it even more so as evil actions against each other continues to grow and worsen against fellow human beings…. when he does not get his way!!

      Also remember this: according to the Book of Revelation, and other books in the Bible, in the last days of this ‘Age’, Satan, the devil, will have his own #1 (evil) man here on the face of this earth, and what is it that he will be up to? His job will be seeing to it that the devil, Satan’s, will of pure evil, lawlessness, and all-out rebellion against the holy and righteous God will be being waged against Him as he leads a whole-sale assault on good and righteous, holy living is being lived out on this planet as mankind is turning with greed and evil readily acceptance of the wicked and abominable ways of living, directly in wicked opposition to the Holy and Righteous God who created Man in the first place. Evil people will be turning against the good people of the earth, and will be on their way of destroying it …. and would…. if The Son of The Living God, and the The King of Kings, did not return here, to this Earth, before mankind, led by the devil, Satan, and his wicked followers, would be just about on the verge of destroying this Earth and all that is in it…. but, He will come again…. And all the evil ones will be defeated and cast into their place that has been prepared for them to be their eternal residing place.

  3. Love your videos. Only question is how to put up a picture of Donald Trump so that it gets to him. If you respond to this, you can email me at [email protected] and I can send you a diamond art picture that I did of him. I have tried to reach him in different directions without any success.

  4. What ever happened to the incredible concept
    that was foundational to America, “ALL Officials
    in government would be committed to and
    guided by PUBLIC SERVICE as opposed to
    CITIZENS. The founding fathers never
    LONG, SELF-SERVING POLITICIANS CLAIMING TO BE PUBLIC SERVANTS !!! eg-Biden, Obama, Hillary, and Pelosi- just to name a few.
    I got to work and pay taxes(57 years) and
    pay for my own undergrad and graduate education without one dollar in government assistance while raising a family. ITS CALLED
    WORKING !!!.

    • Amen. I paid for all of my education. Couldnn’t get a student loan. Said my dad made to much money (4000)ayear. 4kids. He was helping my 2 sisterswith their education. So i worked 60 hrs a week and paid my way through.


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