Dr. Phil EXPOSES THE TRUTH on Joe Rogan’s podcast!! Change is COMING.



Neil Degrasse Tyson is 20% scientist 80% woke

The fact that there’s any debate on if horrifically mutilating little kids causes harm shows how messed up things are in our country.


  1. If people understood Reincarnation, you would understand why a male or female might feel in the wrong body because you may have come from an incarnation where you were the opposite sex. Some soul, different gender…

    • Nothing to understand; dead is dead. Beliefs about the dead. Strikingly prominent in Egyptian religion was the concern for the dead and the preoccupation with ensuring one’s welfare and happiness after the “change” of death. The belief in reincarnation or the transmigration of the soul was an all-pervading doctrine. The soul was believed to be immortal; nevertheless, it was believed that the human body must also be preserved so that the soul might return and use it on occasion. Because of this belief, the Egyptians embalmed their dead. The tomb in which the mummified body was placed was considered the deceased’s “home.” The pyramids were colossal residences for the royal dead. The necessities and luxuries of life, including jewelry, clothing, furniture, and supplies of food, were stored away in the tombs for future use by the deceased, along with written spells and charms (such as the “Book of the Dead”) to provide the departed with protection from evil spirits. (PICTURE, Vol. 1, p. 533) However, these spells did not even protect them from the human tomb robbers who eventually ransacked virtually every major tomb. — THAT is for thousands of years there has been NO reincarnation.

    • As much as you would love to have a point you don’t. the whole idea is to continue to grow and enhance you understanding with each reincarnation. you have to adapt to the new you and grow from there.

      You are trying to make a case for failure on a whole new level. failure to be who you have become.

      Your excuse is pathetic.

    • Reincarnation…….well im sorry for you. There is no such thing upon death it is Heaven or Hell you will meet JESUS FACE TO FACE and what you believe, either in Him, or not determines YOUR DESTINY. IT is Your Choice!

      Seek Him while you still have time!
      A True Born Again Believer in Jesus Christ!

  2. FACT! Sally hit the nail on the head, accept, the savior,while u can, open the door and I will come in, are His words,it doesn’t get any clearer than that. RG u need get it together,your very confused.

  3. Its called a identity crisis and their is help for that .Sex changes have negative effects on everybody especially children . I suggest you get a medical education and morals . Then you might understand how damaging it is . You need God & therapy in your life . Hope you get help .You desperately need some .God bless you till then .


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