Jack Smith makes SHOCKING Announcement about Trump and Election 2024



Trump 2024!

I’m Canadian and if he goes to jail I’m heading to Mexico, crossing the border “illegally” and voting for Trump.


  1. Jack Smith needs to go hide and Fuck himself to death !
    He is an illegal pile of Bovine Excrement and was appointed illegally !

  2. All f you can go fuck yourselves since you prefer to ignore ALL of the ILLEGAL shit this once Democrat has done.Trump said in 1992 that if he were to run for President, he’d run as a Republican because they are morons who believe anything. He also said he could kill someone in the middle of 5th Ave and he still wouldn’t lose any supporters. This idiot caused an insurrection that caused harm to many people that day and you choose to continue supporting him? You can find the videos yourself, if you don’t believe me. I didn’t think many of you were so gullible and naive. You prefer to get your news from Fox, which was sued for almost $1 Billion for lying their asses off to its viewers. I think many of you are living in an alternate universe where you hate learning the truth about reality and what’s really going around you. Do you hate your country that much that you’d rather believe in bullshit so you can have chaos for no reason? NOT GOOD for our children, or the country that’s supposed to be more UNITED. If you vote for him then there’s definitely wrong with you as it is for him.

    • On the contrary anyone who votes for Biden is the problem,the man is a pathological liar and has been his entire career and his administration are doing more damage to our children since they took office than anyone before by pushing this LGBT movement and pushing on the innocent kids,Biden and his administration are purposely trying to bankrupt the country with thier frivolous spending and by allowing millions of undocumented illegals into the has put every citizens life in danger,we have a major war brewing and this administration is lacking thier chops just waiting to get in on the action,religion is under attack,races are under attack all of this is happening thanks to the Biden administration,under Trump we had none of this and we also had a good economy which went downhill with this administration,another 4 years of this administration and say goodbye to America as we know it

    • You poor thing. Appears you must be speaking to the mirror. Quite the projectionist there. You might consider anger/hate, & Trump derangement syndrome management counseling … before you pop an aneurism or blow your ticker. Fell sorry for ya. Will pray for you.

    • If you think this pocrap China owned criminal jihad joe is good for this country you must be the most ignorant person on the planet. He has destroyed this country. The demonrats are all devils spawn! All should be tried for treason. You think anything goes teaching your kids in kindergarten they should be boys when born as girls, or girls should be boys, that gay is OK. You are just as perverted as they are. Open borders to God only knows what’s coming in this country, more crime, rapes etc and my taxes going up so they can live for free while some of us work more to survive. Just another ignorant Liberal. You must love this country being destroyed by the stupid jackass in the WH. I will always support Trump period!

  3. I will vote for trump under any circumstances; even if the murder him.

    further trump shoudl not only fire garland and appoint a new attorney general but insist on special prosecutors to go after smith, james, braggs, willis, engoron, garland, pelosi, schiff, schumer, nedlar, murray, and mayorkas full time. He should require the IRS, EPA, and FBI to continuously audit them. He shoudl appoint a second set of special prosecutors right before he leaves office to continue harassing them once he is gone.

  4. Terrence you are blind. Trump may say some things that could be left unsaid but I guess you think Biden’s incoherent angry ramblings are a good thing. He has said more dumb shit than you can shake a stick at. Now think hard and answer this…what good has Biden done for this country? What good has he done for the world? We are on the verge of WWIII. That’ll be great for our children. Remember Biden saying he was going to be the great uniter? When’s he gonna start trying? All he does is spew hate. Stop watching loser CNN and start watching Newsmax. You might have an awakening. I know Trump loves this country and our freedoms. Biden is working on taking it all away. Then the feeble old moron will die and we’ll be left with the mess he has made. Socialism never works. It won’t work here either.

  5. Trump is only person for my vote. Working for American citizens. Conspiracy must end. Trey, or Levin my picks for Atty. to take over.

  6. Lol…You call Biden a pathological liar, when Trump lies every time he opens his mouth? This narcissist is saying everything he can just to get your money so you can help him, NOT to get back to the presidency, but to help bale his criminal ass out of the hundreds of millions of dollars he owes to victims he’s crossed and laws he knew he broke. You can’t support a more qualified human being who has done less to hurt people and broken fewer laws? I know for some of you, he’s your Lord and savior, but damn…he has shown you he’s wrong for the White House before.

    The economy….really???? Biden has created more jobs than the previous three Republicans who didn’t deserve to be in office. Truth is, Trump did more damage to our economy, but after his self-centered ass left the Oval Office, Biden was left cleaning up his bad habit. Not sure what planet most of you are on, but the economy is much better for more Americans under Democrats, than any of you care to realize. Please don’t just take my word for it and I beg you to NOT take Fox’s word either, but I exhort you to visit the Congressional Budget Office’s website for accurate information. I know many of you choose to live in a bubble, far away from reality and truth, but please stop feeding your “alternative facts” to your children and neighbors if you prefer a less chaotic future in our country. It’s funny that my old party continues to make up shit and create problems, instead of solving them for the American people. Republicans acted like the border was a huge problem (and it is), but turned down the very bill they wanted to fix the problem because your Lord and savior, Trump told them not to so he could have something to run on. Republicans and Trump are a huge mess, and I don’t expect you to agree since some of you are blind and deaf. I think it’s funny that you all are allowing Trump to bring your party Wayyyy Downnnn. He’s in this for him, NOT you! Thank God some of us figured it out, and choose not to waste our vote on filthy Trump. Let’s see which states Trump and his idol, Putin, will demand they find 11,000 or more votes to help him out this time.

  7. A vote for Biden will kill us all gas will be 10 gallon food will be so high people will lose there homes and the people coming over the border will be taking are homes .. we will be forced to by ev cars and have no way to change them … Biden did nothing for Covid but made us loses are jobs then he jacked up the gas and interest rates witch mated the price go up .. I just went to subway two 6 inch suds two soups and 4 meatballs 26.50 that’s crazy.. my va benefits are crazy and that’s if I can see a doctor because people coming over the border come first my health insurance try’s ways not to pay I get shit for Ssi and now they tax’s me so I owe !! So if any vote’s for Biden is a problem that man did not win 2020 they have the proof… so why is this man not in prison pluse he sold usa out to China and other countries… where did Biden get all his money to buy 3 million dollars home?? He never had a company his top pay was only 180 grand a year!! He was a Vice President and took documents from the White House but not changed!! But president Trump has the right to take them and he gets changed!!! Biden needs to be in prison with his family and many other!! I could go on but you have got my point if not you should be in prison with biden

  8. Wow, this website previewed what I was about to say, just like Fox keeps you guys uninformed and from hearing the other side. INTERESTING


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