Trump Deranged Actor Has SEVERE MELTDOWN After Bill Maher Confronts Him On Trump Beating Biden!



Robert De Niro has single handedly destroyed his career by his disdain for America. Or Americans. I lost all respect in many years ago for this individual!

Robert De Niro fell for all the Trump hating propaganda.
Lost all respect for DeNiro’s non-existent objective reasoning abilities


  1. Time after time he makes a fool of himself due to his outlandish claims and bias against Trump. Show lack of common sense and reason.

  2. DeNiro has just described himself again! Such a nasty old grumpy man. He is horrible and I wish he would just shut his mouth. GROW UP

  3. He is a total idiot! He described HIMSELF in his assessment of Trump! De Niro is a toxic narcissist, his behaviour proves it. No respect for him and others like him.

    • Absolutely, and some of the RINO republicans too I can smell them at the Wal-Mart on Saturday night. There so obvious.

  4. The sad thing is that if any actor or singer no matter how popular they are was to say the things this obviously mentally disturbed individual is saying about the Biden administration they would be canceled,they know that Biden has done nothing for the citizens of our country and is destroying it with his ridiculous policies but they still support him because of being canceled,they need to just STFU because people like me who used to like DeNero’s work have lost all respect for him along with many others with TDS,they really can’t this stupid to support a president like Dementia Joe unless they’re afraid of not working again and that alone shows the corruption we have in today’s society

  5. Robert DeNiro was spot on about the orange haired “person”. I am sorry but anyone with even half a brain should be able to see through dUMPS lies. It’s very scary when all the little lemmings blindly follow him straight off the cliff!! Wake up before America is lost to the crazies.

    • Sandy, it is sad to see that you must have brain cancer and it has fried your whole brain. You are totally worthless to the United States. You would probably still go great in North Korea. Where are you and your worthless family belong? Hopefplay you will get what you deserve for being such an ignorant Communist child molesting pedophile, follow.

    • What’s scary is your delusional thinking. Anyone with half a brain who thinks sniffing Joe has done wonders for our country needs help. Are you one of those folks that’s so well off that his policies won’t really affect them, you know, like the rest of the democrat idiots in office? Get help Sandy…

  6. He’s crazy. Also, the few times I’ve seen part of his speech against Trump, he uses four letter words like they are going out of style. He is crude, ill-mannered and one sick freakn dude.

  7. well well, Travis Bickle as portrayed by DeNiro in Taxi Driver has surfaced as the paranoid, deranged, sociopathic real person who says to Trump, are you talkin’ to me? because he lost his sense of reality and Trump is his mental compass of an evil source of the ruler that he hates

  8. Way to funny, one hopes it gives the dumb azz a heart attack and shuts him up once and for all. Tired of hearing the big pussy cry all the time about his betters. Face it deniro is mad cause he can’t do what Trump can. If deniro is so great why doesnt he run for office. Lol but then we all know why he doesn’t, the same way he never get spinkels. Spinkels are for winners. Not losers like deniro. Stay on your side porch and bark like a yapping dog at your betters. It’s what your good at, your acting sucks and your crying shows what kind of a bitch you really are. Just another deranged democrat on the lose.

  9. Face it , with out trump, deniro is just another washed up has been, like so many others and so many news stations who made a living on attacking Trump. You saw how they fell to the side once they didn’t have trump to kick around. Trump gives them a life and with trump they have nothing. Plain and simple !!!


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