Pentagon PANICS as IRAN prepares for War with US and ISRAEL



Imagine if the US would stay out of everyone else’s foreign war and just take care of America America

God has given America a President who can’t remember his name because America has forgotten the name of the Lord Jesus Christ


  1. Can’t understand why the Pentagon has it’s panties in a wad. They should have expected this when Denny Dimwit gave Iran a boatload of money and allowed them to re-invigorate it’s nuclear program. They obviously are not as sharp as they think they are. Or are these the left over Military “Leaders” that Obama didn’t push out the door?

  2. Bad idea if you are Iran. Iranian leadership wont last long. When the Iranian people revolt after that snake is beheaded Iran will be a different place and so will the middle east. This would be painful to watch but necessary.

  3. With the ‘Dimwit in Chief’ running the U.S. military we must count on Israel to take out the Iranian leadership. They will succeed without any ‘worries’ unlike our leadership.

  4. Iran is going to be a pain in our butt forever let’s just get it done. If brain dead go Brandon had any balls it wouldn’t have got this far. Do they really think they can beat us. Turn the desert to glass. It would just be a air war

  5. For years even I knew that eventually Iran would take the opportunity to at least attack Israel if not America.
    I also know that we have given Ukraine a good portion of our weaponry, leaving us unprepared for war on two fronts.
    So why on earth is the pentagon reacting as though this is something new?
    Maybe our military leadership should have concentrated more on its ability to protect our country and less on pronouns.

  6. yup the woke military is being caught barebacking instead of being ready for war.

    This is what happened when you spend you time on sexual choices rather then the actual job.


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