Fani Willis accidently ADMITS WRONGDOING while on the stand!



she took money from her campaign funds, it sounded shady. As a black woman, I’ll tell everyone, she does not represent us all. She’s a disgrace.

Her sassiness just solidifies the fact she is an unprofessional DA.


  1. It sounds to me like the IRA needs to audit her and Wade. If people thought she did a good job in her testimony, they don’t know jack about how a person should conduct themselves as a witness. If anyone should know is District Attorney. Also came across as an ignorant person and their defense is not even close to believable. No written of accountability of cash payments. This is what a money laundering scheme should like.

    • But it appears the judge is a Democrat. He has given her every leeway imaginable to cover for her crime. This trial should’ve been over the day it began with her being summarily removed from the case and criminally prosecuted for perjury.

      I’m beginning to think he’s gonna find a way to allow her to skate. Boy, do I hope I’m wrong on this one!

  2. Fani Willis has this arrogant attitude and she talks down to people who question her about her financial situation. These questions are very important to find out if they were from taxpayers or if it was money she earned from her job. It seems she is a corrupt DA probably funded by Soros as most liberal left DA’s are. To get to the bottom of this issue she needs to be knocked down a few pegs and be thrown in jail, possibly her license be suspended and even disbarred. Her lousy behavior because she is a black female DA should land her on her big ass for good.

  3. she and wade “be grinding” at work. what kind of professional says be grinding instead of saying working hard, working long hours, burning the midnight oil, etc.?

    i suspect she really meant “be grinding” as in having sex.

    Both of them are just sleazy people. much the same as L. James, engoron and smith. all of these people attacking trump are the same sleaze factor.

  4. Damned honesty got her in trouble.
    Imagine all the others that never had that trouble. There is merit in never being honest when your hand is in the till.


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