Black Waitress Explains Why She Hates Serving Black People



I’ve been a server for over 10 years,
I can confirm this is
Let me just clarify, there’s a difference between black folks and ninjas.
I serve black folks, we have a good time, I’ll take care of them they tip we go home.
But ninjas, they do the most, they complain, they send stuff back, and don’t tip.

FINALLY…Someone who isn’t affraid to tell it like it is & NOT blaming white people! I applaud her for her honesty.


  1. First off all people of color are not the same, and because you put them all in the same category is saying something about YOUR CHARACTER and ANYONE ELSE tHAT THINKS LIKE YOU. While you want to go to all these other places or talk about people of color when these other people can’t stand us and talk about us steal from people of color. You out there making them well too do. WAKE UP

    • hers the problem with your argument Barrows. You want to be treated like individuals when it is a negative issue but you want to be treated as a group on other things.

      Reparations: oh, yes, aaalllllll blacks deserve reparations. actually none do.

      Affirmative action: the only race based law we have every had that covers the entire USA. all blacks benefit and all white man are hurt.

      Diversity offices: totally racist and all blacks benefit

      DEI offices: totally racist and all blacks benefit

      You want to be individually judged on your merits and behavior then get rid of the all Blacks benefits. otherwise live with the stereotypes that paint negative pictures of blacks based on a subset of the race.

        • sorry fool but you are the clueless one. there are many large corporations that have publicly states they will not hire white males. Can you imagine the riots if a company said they would not hire black people!

          Affirmative action has came millions of better qualified white males out of colleges and jobs. our schools have turn to crap due to affirmative action/DEI hiring.

          Nope i know exactly what is happening. you just hate that I, like many others, am no linger afraid to say it.

          The country woudl be much much better if minorities were forced to compete on an even playing field and criminals were punished for their crimes.

  2. Tell her employer that big tables automatically have to pay % oh meal w/tip. We live in Nebraska and we do that. Go somewhere else to work to make good tips. By the way, love the commentaters, they are great. I like to listen to them.

  3. Here’s my two cents: I’m talking to two ladies from Jamaica and I ask them, out of curiosity, “when the slaves came over from Africa 60% went to South America, 30% went to the Caribbean and (6%) went to the USA”.

    300,000 white northern soldiers died and another 300,000 were maimed and handicapped freeing those slaves in the USA”. In the Caribbean the slaves there freed themselves. “How did those slaves free themselves”? They said “with machetes”. “We all got together and one night killed all the slave owners, than we chopped up their wives- and children”.

    I asked them “how did that work out for you all”? And they told me they were free but had no idea what to do. They said it wasn’t until JFKs Peace Corps landed on their shores that they learned about social structure, proper health, economic structure, education etcetera. And- the one thing they noticed was there were no black people in the Peace Corps.

    I asked them “why not”? and they told me it was because black people won’t help other black people unless there’s something in it for themselves.

    That is when I came to realize that the slaves who came over from Africa came over as a Race and not as individual tribes; like the French, Swedes, German, Irish, Italians, Chinese, Filipino’s, Samoan’s etcetera. And that the slaves had lost all their tribal heritage, culture, laws, religious beliefs, social structure; with that they lost all tribal support of helping each other.

    That’s why, to this very day, a black tribe, like Nigerians, can come over to the USA and far out distance our own black citizens, in business ventures, education, standard of living; when our very own black citizens who have a heritage of over 200 years of residency, are passed by.

    They don’t have the tribal support of helping one another. The Irish, Italians, Latinos, etcetera all assist each other within their tribal culture; giving each other a hand up.

    And that’s my two cents!

    • nice story. stupid conclusion. I have lived in seven states. in some places i lived neighbors helped each other in others they did not. in all states i lives and worked around German, Irish, Chinese, japanese, Vietnamese french, african, India, polish and Greek ancestry people. It has nothign at all to do with Tribe/tribal links. it has to do with the choices each person makes about the world they personally chose to create.

      It is the individual choosing to be a real neighbor and make the world around them better.

      Gang bangers, car jackers, home invaders, property thief’s, looters chose to make the world worse. It is the same choice that has been made for a 100,000 years. it is the choice every religion talks about.

      It is not a matter of losing your tribe. it is a choice to follow good or evil.

  4. Based on my own experiences and observations, you can hand Blacks equality and offer them opportunity for a good moderate lifestyle, but they don’t understand what that really means and will not do what it takes to earn success. One could call it an element of “laziness” in all they do, meaning they seldom offer the full package by stepping up to the plate. Whites expect all to bring common sense, manners, good basic language skills, acceptable dress, and personal initiative to the table. But Blacks won’t do that, preferring to dwell in a Black cultural substandard performance mode in all areas. And then they’re offended when they are overlooked – in their view, disrespected. Scroll thru some of the responses in this thread – the lazy, sloppy language is readily apparent.
    Hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but that’s the way it is.

    • whites, Asians, and native Americans all expect approximately the same things from themselves and others. Further, the Africans in Africa expect those things as well. It is only a subset of the Americans of African ancestry that seem to refuse to live to any societal norms.

      I worked with a contractor from Togo and he was smart, polite and fun to be around. I taught him to snow ski and he loves it. He wanted me to come visit his family in Togo and I would have, but it takes a long time to travel to Togo and I just did not have that kind of time. He went around talking about skiing and some black guy said Black people don’t snow ski. his response was: “well they should it is very fun.”

      To me that: “black people don’t snow ski” is the problem.

  5. I have heard the same from white waitresses. Initially, I thought it was a race issue, but hearing it from a black waitress, it obviously a flaw in the black culture. No wonder people treat them like crap, they are typically crappy tippers.

  6. The Mainstream Media hurts the public. They may have been honest in the past. Do not know when it changed. If people are unable or unwilling to seek the truth, they will not find it. Also depends where you grow up and if parents teach right from wrong. Public schools and colleges have been failing. When that started. I do know where I attended school, we were taught, Wood Shop Welding, Electric Class, Drafting, Mechanics, Cooking, Music, Art. In Elementary School, after school once a week, had a Bible Class. Not forced. This was in public schools. American History was taught. Have been told that some or most of the classes above Elementary School, are no longer taught. If parents are divorced or some other thing happens, it can lead to dysfunction. Today, the CRT, Woke, Transgender, Defund the Police, along with the Covid Virus have all but destroyed common sense. Most of public schools before had Evolution and the God argument. That still continues. The Mainstream Media now is really influencing. You could expect the truth from most news stations about twenty- five years and back to be true. Social media has taken over. Smart and cell phones. That is a lot of choices and information. Hard enough for adults to go through, and decide what is true. Kids and young adults have to do the same. Throw in racial misinformation and a weak Biden administration that hates America, and we have more to juggle. For me, the only solution is research. I have found Independent News(The First News and NEWSMAX) to be the only two that actually breaks down facts and non facts. God is my go to. Here again, we have many Religions. I had to research those. Prayed in Jesus Name for understanding. Got it. Took trials and tribulations, but for a little over twenty five years, God of the Bible has given me the Holy Spirit for understanding. I do not think most Religions are right. Jesus is the savior. He died so if we confess our sins, and are Baptized we will live a strong, peaceful life until this body dies our soul goes to Heaven. Does one struggle? Yes. Because we are human. The challenges and tribulations daily, as I showed above, is real. We ask for forgiveness and try and help at least one person a day until our death.


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