Man Who Attacked Judge Refuses to Reappear in Court: Officials



The man has a HISTORY of violence and domestic violence and has been arrested multiple times. He should never leave a prison cell, stop releasing dangerous criminals please.

Not only is it disturbing that someone would “snap like that,” it’s also VERY disturbing that someone with his litany of past violent criminal offenses has been released time after time after time and when in court wasn’t cuffed nor shackled. And where was security? The judges court clerk was the first to respond. — he needs a raise.


  1. Why was he not in irons? This is what you get when you vote democrat or GOP RINO. Let the criminal go free and punish those who obey the law. Way to go dumbacrats

      • I believe the Party affiliation was aimed at the LIBERAL fear of treating a criminal too roughly and in this case, HAVING AT LEAST 2 LIMBS CUFFED!! I dont think the debate is who the oogamooga voted for…DUH

          • Hey dumbo, the case is closed. You Dems led by Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, Bowser, and FBI head Wray organized, hired the goons, and appointed Epps to lead the insurrection. You can’t pull the wool over those who know. Don’t be stupid. You’ll look that way real soon when the facts are revealed.

          • The FBI and Nancy Pelosi et al are totally responsible for the riot at Capitol Hill, you lefty dummycom.

          • Lol, Moe you must have ridden the short bus! I might be a Maga Lunatic as you put it, but at least I’m not eat up with the dumb ass!!! You wouldn’t reconize the truth if it slapped you in the face. The facts are available, just have to quit living under that rock boy.

  2. He is a very, very sick individual. He should be in prison for insanity, not to be around other prisoner. Because, they will kill him.

  3. well maybe all the democrats soros funded judges need to learn for this.

    none of the garbage the democrats have been pushing for the last 50 years is the truth. criminals are criminals no matter what color or social status. They are not criminals because of society. they are just criminals.

    The mass group looting of stores is gang violence. the car jacking is criminal behavior, the property thief is criminal behavior. Illegal drug use and sales is criminal behavior. The prosecutors, DA’s and judges that want to let these people off are the problem.

    If the judges to not punish the smaller crimes the criminals will move to bigger crimes. eventually they will have no respect for the law or society at all. then this judge gets attacked.

    Quite honestly the judge and legal system is reaping what they have sold.

    Stop voting for democrats. start voting for school vouchers.

  4. Funny how it’s always the “Urban Amish”. And right in queue, “mom” is right there making excuses for the high jumper. Always someone or something else to blame.

  5. This guy is truly mentally sick and needs help. Yes the court room offers need to be positioned in front and both sides of the judge.
    But for all that makes this about politics! Leave that crap out of it period! This is a mental health crisis period

  6. A LOSER who just does not understand LAW and ORDER! The die is cast and at his own doing he will spend his life in prison! Very sad!

  7. This is called “ living in a progressive world “. I certainly hope he didn’t hurt himself when he jumped over that desk. My heart bleeds for him. Please ask all the celebrities to line up in support for BLM. Why can’t we all just get along.

  8. Entertaining is the first thing that comes to mind I’m sure the Judge et al. didn’t find it amusing so I will leave it at my personal point of view

  9. We all comment on the effects of the problem but nobody addresses the real problems base of support; why is George Soros not banned in the USA?

  10. The Republican party sells itself on law and order, but look what happened on Jan 6 and all of those law and order people destroying the Capital. To top it off Trump wants to pardon those who were convicted if he gets reelected. Over 140 law enforcement officers were hurt during the insurrection, where is the support from Republicans for them?

  11. the criminal is a jerk. Attacking a judge, who is a woman? There were police in the court, he did not care about anyone in that courtroom. He is a danger to society and should be locked up for a very long time.

  12. The guy doesn’t belong in a prison cell- he belongs in a strait jacket- he’s certifiably insane, no doubt about it: That being said, he should be put in a secure medical mental facility for the rest of his lifetime.

  13. I personally believe judges should be protected by law from attack in the court, that the judge have appointed security with them all the time when in the building. This is nothing new; and punishment for such an act should be an automatic five years without parole mandated by every state. Judges should also be escorted to and from their vehicle when arriving and leaving.

    • Judges in NYC for the most part, are armed upon entering and leaving the building. I’m sure there were officers in the courtroom. They are usually standing 5-10 feet away from the person and their lawyer. It’s very easy to catch an officer off guard. The perpetrator definitely took off quickly, based on the height of his jump. The guy is crazy. Unbelievable. However, that clerk gets applause, because he did not back down.

  14. Pelosi and Schumer DECLINED THE NATIONAL GUARD!!! plus Ray Epps leading the undercover agents into the HALLS OF CONGRESS! THIS WAS SUCH A STAGED EVENT THAT WAS BACKED BY TRUMP HATERS! Most of the crowd were SR CITIZENS and wandered in to Congress!


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