Melania Trump Vanishes, Tragic Details Revealed



Melania is what a real First Lady should be.

For an ex-aide to speak of Melania this way is disgraceful on the aide’s part. Melania speaks 7 deferent languages and I’m pretty sure this former aide doesn’t speak any other language but English. This former aide should be ashamed of herself and be sued for defamation by Melania. It amazes me to know what people will say on TV for a sum of money.


  1. That advisor is filled with jealousy and likely paid by CNN to read what they wrote. Terrified that Mr and Mrs Trump will be back in office soon, all the stops are removed by the haters. Shall we talk about 1st lady Michael or So-called Dr. Jill ? Let’s compare shall we?

    • She is also the only First Lady to have photos of nudity and compromising positions.
      Not my idea of someone who deserves to be called “great” in any form.

      • You’re an ass and jealous. You wouldn’t know a lady of you saw one!! In foreign countries the sunbathe in the nude too. You probably have been.

      • So what? People in all walks of life have a chapter in their book that they are not proud of, nor want that chapter to define what they will become. Melania is a good mother, is elegant, and despite what you think(Doesn’t really matter anyway), was a very good example of the attributes that made her an epic first lady.

      • She did not, she was model and only provocative pics so maybe you should do some research braintart and not belive the FAKE NEWS WHO POSTED THE FAKE PICS momo!’

      • Really. She was a miss America model. There are really famous models who are considered exquisite and extremely popular and she was one nude pic or not. And I know there pics of her in mini bikini but not sure there is a nude. You must watch cnn. That’s the problem. Watch a news channel that will tell you the truth. Fox and friends are truthful. Try them

  2. Another hit job by CNN. CNN is no better than the grocery store check out lanes trashy papers reporting alien abduction survivor stories and Yeti sightings.
    The so called “aide” is nothing more than an embittered nobody saying anything for pay and her five minutes of attention.
    If I didn’t see this”story ” here, I wouldn’t even know it existed.

  3. Melania being with her ailing mother at Christmas is far more more honorable and respectable than the Biden family ignoring their grandaughter at Christmas or at any other time!

  4. Because Melania is tall, built like a brick house and beautiful, she instinctively brings about jealously from women somewhat less adorned!!
    She has taken hits from the public eye for years now because they can not appreciate her grace and resolve. Having to stand beside her husband, Donald Trump, she silently takes whatever the public decides to dish out.
    Because she is lovely and not from America, bitter women can be (are) deeply and strongly bias. She is a women first and too strongly scrutinized by most, less than pretty, women!
    Leave her alone…leave her alone. Her position in this country has been compromised only by those who are wickedly unable to curb their jealousy. This former aid should be ashamed of her homely self.

  5. Best 1st lady, Democrats elected a pedophile and a fake doctor for a first lady and before that we had a first lady” with a dick for 8 years and a Muslim fagg for a president.

  6. Yes Melania is the best First Lady in many years. She deserves love and respect from all of us regardless of anyones party affiliation.

  7. Melania is all class and American women are jealous of her beauty and composure . Never badmouthing or lying , like the First Ladies of late .
    She’s not looking to upstage
    Anyone . Confident in her own skin . Leave her alone .

  8. Sad, supposedly intelligent and good people are going against our country’s former / hopefully next First Lady. Shame on you, you will be judged on your actions one of these days or do you not believe in god either? This shameful Biden family has embarrassed the whole United States of America with their greed and deceit mostly their evil ideas , I pray our lord does intervene and our world gets another chance to redeem themselves. What a disgrace you have nothing to do but ‘hate’ people you don’t even know. You all need to educate your selves and take another wide eyed look at what is really going on. And President Trump IS and can turn this fiasco around more than any of those nominees running for president we need something done NOW our country can’t wait we are in real trouble Open Your Eyes!! What are the haters going to do next? UNBELIEVABLE 🙏🏻🇺🇸

    • Well stated, I too believe in God, and this is one Nation under God. I find Biden to be a poster child, who has served (elected) for way over any term limits. That should be imposed, knowing that our representative’s and congressmen/woman learn about all the in’s and out’s. They learn how to be corrupt, but there are some who remain honest. They truly represent the people who elected them.

  9. I agree with tall Texan. Obviously reporters at CNN have no respect for their families. It’s sad when all you care about is reporting bad news get a real job

  10. Would you rather see Big Mike the first 1st Lady LMAO With a bigger member than the President’s Barack
    THE HOMO Obama. Big Mike will replace Adolf Biden before the deadline. Obama= MAKE AMERICA DIE AGAIN!!! TRUMP 2024!!!!!

  11. Everyone deserves a second chance and young people make bad mistakes sometimes in life. Her past needs to stay in the past. But, I do believe she needs to apologize in a public statement to the nation and not just sweep it under the rug. I too was extremely disappointed when I saw pictures of her that were shameful. Nevertheless, President Trump is an AWESOME person and this is who he loves, so we must respect that. If she came clean and made a public apology I think people would find her more tolerable and not give President Trump such a hard time. Finding those pictures was very disappointing is the least I can say. I lost so many friends defending her and then to find the pictures myself by accident was like a cold bucket of ice water been thrown at me.

  12. You’re jealous because she’s so perfect in every way. Who knew she would become first lady ? She didn’t plan this and she’s a beautiful model. I wouldn’t apologise for it if I were her.The body is a beautiful natural thing but, if you look at things negatively, that’s how you take it in life. Don’t hate her for being beautiful, elegant and the best first lady we ever had!


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