Fox News is In Big Trouble – And I’m Glad.



I’m tired of 10% of the population being over represented in 90% of everything. We need to take this country back.

This is outrageous. I just hope nobody gets misgendered or called the wrong pronouns.


  1. The left and the right wing news have both been inundated with editorialized sensationalism to attract its readers! It is all become hyped up journalism and I am personally “fed up” with all of it! The fact is that in the past, in the present and in the future, God has, is and will always be in control of everything no matter what the situation! Yes, man has a certain amount but Almighty God is the ultimate
    determiner of our destiny and no politician and no news media hack writer is going to change that!!!!!

  2. That is true Fox goes a little overboard at times, but I can’t stand the other stations either-who ignore everything that is going on in our economy and our border and in our cities… all they pump is hatred…”Hate Trump” is the only thing they can run on….I have No other idea what the Democratic Party stands for any more…nothing what my previous family generations all voted for… it sure isn’t for the working class anymore…and not what they are doing for us..I have always mistrusted ANYONE who wants to give me something for FREE…They discard the US citizens perspective on everything. The government and media, all work for themselves not WE THE PEOPLE…whether people love or hate Trump, I don’t care…most of us could care less about him or Washington politics…what’s more important is paying attention to where we live…Washington #1 job is to keep US citizens safe (not getting us into more war) not letting our country be overrun by foreigners…crime running loose in our streets…when you have to live with what This administration is doing to our own people…it is a complete failure…it disgusts me what is going on…even in our local communities …the lies, the increased taxes, the brainwashing of government employees, and our schools…their stupid games they want to play and many of the negatives outcomes going on now and in the future in our own backyard. We have to deal with and watch our own US citizens suffer, and they could absolutely care less…

    YES I mistrust all media and Washington more and more everyday. Our only hope is GOD and they want to take that away from us too. Sorry, but He will have the final say…we will only survive if we don’t allow them to herd us like sheep. Just think for yourself people, not what the media tells you. Question everything your local people are doing …and follow the money trails. Be Smart…ASK QUESTIONS…especially of your local representatives….they only get dumb asses to follow them without knowing why????? So yes, I question Fox’s motives just as much as any other news media…but I love opposing point of views so I can make up my own mind…not be brain washed like so many people I meet…I’ve loved debates since I was in 7th grade…I will always look at both sides of every issue that effects me, my community and MY country….I like opinionated people and that is what I see lacking in ALL our schools and city halls these days. Critical thinking…asking questions…WHY???? Making people just THINK. All I see if evil money making all the decisions…if someone disagrees, they do their best to shut them down… if we don’t get back to communicating and work out this divide, our country is doomed. Then no one will have any freedoms. Look for TRUTH…Question everyone in power…stand up for what is right. Good will prevail….if we all learn to stand up for it….and it’s not one political party over another…they both are corrupt…start LOCAL…get involved…find out what is really going on. Don’t complain if your not willing to be part of the solution… and when over half our country is now on the government payroll…don’t be surprised if they are brainwashed to keep their jobs or free money coming in…in the long run it is not self sustainable…to remain a free country, more people need to work privately. One day the 14 hour a day worker will say screw you…I’m done paying for this government and all their bad decisions and all the people not working. Then the next world power will take us over, because so few have work ethic to go above and beyond their job description to even save our country…or defend it. BUY Made in USA ….as much as you possibly can or their will be no more USA…I will buy less stuff and pay more to save our country whenever I have the option… so…look what our county is making these days…the things you are purchasing…Do your part…I’m always going out of my way to look for Made in USA companies and it’s getting harder and harder to find…remember when we have nothing, make nothing of our own, are not self sufficient individuals, we will not survive. China has bought up the world in minerals and resources…we are no longer in any control… we are starting to become a 3rd World County right before our eyes…we are weak and getting weaker..if we don’t change soon.

    It’s Time for…Though Love…it is needed now more than ever. And most of all Pray…pray for peace…pray for our homeless, pray for our own people who are suffering and hungry before we have to take care of the rest of the world better than our own…or if you disagree…send me you name and address and I will make sure some of those foreigners end up on your doorstep for you to personally support and care for…just like in a plane put on your own air mask first…only then you can you help others. We are not doing a very good job of it, not even our own veterans who have protected YOU and I so we can live free. I just met someone last week that had no clue their were people coming across our borders by the thousands everyday…they do not watch tv or have computer…sadly they are not wealthy and will die with no one taking care of them, but those coming across are fed, clothes put up in hotels. Given medical care that they can not afford…Needless to say I helped educate them, helped them, and invited to take them on a trip down to the border to show them how well our county takes care of them better than our own…EDUCATE YOURSELF….or you might realize it too late…They still believe their county will take care of them…so some do have to see with their own eyes to believe what is going on. YOU and possibly your family are the ONLY ones who will take care of you…and that’s a fact. Thank God I believe and have HOPE this country will wake up…hopefully sooner rather than later. If you made it reading this far, sorry it got a little long…God Bless!

  3. The one way to get back news, stop watching the panel news, once they start losing money, they will give up panel news and go back to real news, like CNN used to be!

  4. Back in the 60s there were app. twice the number of newspapers in circulation as now, all w/ honest up to date reporting. Since then the conglomerates bought most of them up and the quality of honesty has taken a dive. Now it more about agenda not keeping the public informed. And though an awful lot of news has gone the way of TV and the internet, the 1st Estate, that holds the sacred trust of the citizenry, to present facts for us to better may life decisions, now is focused primarily upon sensationalism. This all came about by the growth of Big Government and the want for power and control. What we need is smaller Federal Gov. and more hands on city, county, state government; more lower level centered news reporting. IMHO


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