Peter Doocy: This is another headache for the White House



I would not want my name connected with this economy. Biden is completely disconnected.

Over 43% of residence in Colorado just got told they can’t vote. Wow.


  1. Folks in the country really need to do some research prior to November. I keep hearing folks say they will not vote for Trump for what he has done in the past. I don’t understand to what is wrong with a booming economy. A unemployment rate like none other. No war’s. Low fuel cost for both home and auto. Low illegal immigration. WHAT IS THE ISSUE.

    • you are right. I have directly asked: “oh, well, I need to know and this so I know how to vote. what has trump done in the past?”

      I get told things like: raped women, bribed the ukraine, colluded with Russian, caused covid, shut down the economy, stole governemnt documents and sold them.

      Inevitably as I start walking through the list and explaining those are all things the democrats did the person does not want to talk about it any more.

      We are just going to have to accept that democrats are stupid people. the fact is democrats leadership is corrupt because their followers are stupid people and that is the bottom line.

      Leftists people are just to damn stupid to do any research.

    • You’re crazy….you must be shopping for groceries & gas in another universe!!! Don’t believe everything their pushing they ARE lying to you!!!

  2. The First News and NEWSMAX. Good. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, Washington Post, NY Times. Bad. Include The View. Liars and idiots. Add some of Hollywood. They might good actors, but they have no clue on world views. Ukraine and China have bank statements in Biden’s name. Bribed. Thousands of phone calls between him, Hunter, and business partners he claims he knows nothing about. FBI and DOJ are also corrupt. Whistleblowers have spoken up. Even the Capitol Police Chief said Pelosi ignored bringing the National Guard. Not Trump. Pelosi is in charge at that time. She is the Speaker. After January 6 she wants and gets the National Guard. Makes them sleep on concrete in parking garage. Hillary is the liar about Russia. She hired people to push that. Look it up. January 6 Committee. Nothing. They lied. The tapes, conversations were destroyed or misplaced. Just like Hillary’s Server and phone records. She denied Trump won in 2020. That is lot. Moving to the border. Biden signed that document to open borders. Socialist, Communist, Marxist beliefs. They hate America. The news stations I mentioned are all getting donations from George(Nazi) Soros. He payed billions into 2020 Election. And, prosecutors that want to help criminals. Pushing the CRT, Racism, transgenderism in schools and society. This is intentional. These people want to allow the government to control everything. Ban free speech, guns, and push lockdowns. Dr. Fauci is a criminal. He lied about Gain of Function. NIH got taxpayer money to make viruses in the U.S. that are dangerous.

    • Wes, you better much hit the nail on the head! Every thing the left pushes is WRONG. Trump made several mistakes; he should have prosecuted Soros, he should have replaced many top bureaucrats and picked better replacements, he should have cut every Government Agency’s budget by at least 10% and a few other things!

  3. He was even involved in the AIDS Virus in the 80’s. BLM and Antifa are criminal organizations. They burned businesses, looted, attacked police and civilians. In the name of Democracy. Ok. Then the news media and Democrats tried to compare “911” and Pearl Harbor to January 6. That is insanity. Comparing the attacks by BLM and Antifa, which were far worse, could not even compare to those. Schools and Colleges, and others attacking Christians and Jews. Jews were in Israel way before Palestine. Jesus was born in Jerusalem. Allah and Muhammad were about 600 years after. Jesus died on the cross for all. He is the Savior. He talks to God on our sinful behalf. We must Repent and be Baptized. Then God gives us the Holy Spirit for understanding. Otherwise you are lost. Body dies. Soul in Heaven or hell. Cannot earn Heaven. Follow the Lord because he sent his son to die in our place. We all still struggle with evil. Every jail in every city is full. It’s not a gun problem. It’s a people problem. It’s not a race problem. It’s a people problem. George Floyd, according to coroner died from heart problem and drugs in his system. The news media does not do autopsies. The knees were on upper shoulders. That is in training manual. Some of the officers and Police Chief lied that that was not taught. Some of the pages that showed that were taken out. Returned after the trial. As expected. Whenever a black person is arrested or attacked by a white police officer, it must be racial. Regardless of circumstances. The thousands of crimes and arrests has anyone ever researched how many times a white person is targeted by a black police officer? Or Asian? Or Hispanic? What about the crime. Lot of criminals. Society has a lot of criminals. Now that the border is open, expect more. Fentanyl and drugs. Why don’t some of these overpaid politicians and bureaucrats use some money to open more drug treatment centers. More counseling centers? Get people in job training. No handouts. Just makes people dependent. People should be able to manage themselves. Not the government. They are not smart. Corrupt.

  4. Finally, try and help at least one person a day. IMPRIMIS, The Verdict, and NEWSMAX Magazine are all good sources for the truth with pictures and facts. The Mainstream Media never talks about the stuff I just talked about. Jesse Kelly and Bill O’Reilly on The First News and Greg Kelly on NEWSMAX are super. God Bless everyone. Happy New Year.

  5. “Bidenomics” only is seen as a benefit by ignorant people who do not understand inflation. I always wanted to see everything that I buy or use go up by 14.3%, right?

  6. Any human being (or dog) that steps onboard Marine One should be on the flight manifest including all flight staff. Sure, the family can fly with him, but they need to be on the flight manifest because if it goes down, they need to know who and how many were on the flight! It seems like everything the little “android” says is false!
    VOTE: NO SLEEPY JOE in twenty-twenty foe


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