Jeffrey’s List RELEASED!! 177 Names, Crimes, Accusations & Depositions Drop In Days!



They are cherry picking names from the list that they don’t care about/like. It’s that simple. We’re just going to have to assume that they’re all on the list. They aren’t all dems, but we know they have a lot of money.

I strongly suspect that “The List” we get will bear little resemblance to the actual list people who took part, and names of people who the Democrats don’t like will have been added.


  1. Nothing ever happens anyways. We see that with the Bidens and Hillary. Big deal, I have given up on politicians on both sides! We hear this all the time between “This is a game changer, This will destroy so and so, This will kill the party, and other ignorant statement.

    Yes, you have rose colored glasses on. Money buys power and money is the root of all evil.

    Sick! This country needs an enema!

    As for this story, Yawn! I have lived for sixty years and seen too much go unpunished.

  2. What we got here is nothing and will remain nothing until THEY make it something and THEY are we the people that’s right We the People are they them and those

  3. Does any of this matter, with all the corruption of the government so far, and the real criminals still walk free. So what makes you think anything will change ??? Theirs only a one party law system in play, And we’re not on it. Only the rich get to say who the fake laws are for and who’s not. The fact it took over 2 years and nothing, seeing is believing. And the fact they can put anyone’s name on that list they want. Even if they were never there. How would we know ??? I for one won’t belive what the government saids.

  4. I would like to see the evidence of this “list” that we are suppose to get all excited about. Epstein has been gone for quite some time, we are suppose to believe he committed suicide but we all know that is false. Shit or get off the bowl with this nonsense already!! So sick of hearing the same shit, put up or shut up!!!

  5. You can bet your azz the real names of the dirtiest of the perverts won’t be named. Like every investigation so far, only low ranked get busted while the top dogs walk free. After breaking every law so far, why would the democrats start telling the truth now. The ones stopping the real names are the ones their protecting by not naming. Corruption at the highest form in our government.

  6. There are 1000’s of names. Why just 177? The normal person will not even have heard of or know anything about them. I’m tired of this crap. Either get to the bottom of this or forget it. I’m tired of this circus. Nothing will be done to any of these people as far as justice.


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