Biden RECEIVES the HORRIBLE NEWS He’s Dreading!



Hunter & Nicki, don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out. I don’t think Trump will be in revenge mode. I believe he wants to save our country.

If Hunter, flees the country, I pray to God that he takes his father and Jill with him.


  1. From my point of view what We are all witness to is the Democrat End Game for Our America. Have you noticed what I have ” All Three Branches are Broken.” We had a thing years ago “If you can’t do The Time you don’t do The Crime” Today do The Crime you Get no Time. Make sense Yet. Quick Take on Biden. When sworn in He took his oath to Protect the American People and it’s Constitution. So why has he spent so much time protecting all the Illegals pouring in and opening the Border. See End Game Yet Why has our Educational System a Disgrace? That’s it for today God will Bless America Again in 2024

  2. No revenge from Trump but a full blown assault against the Americans on the right and MEGA followers
    I see one good turn deserves another
    The left is no where close to finishing the assault
    I for one do not trust the left

  3. You are dead on correct & we are in the end days & near the rapture! At almost 83 I pray for my grandkids but they & we all will be better when it happens!

  4. The problem America faces started in the 60’s, when a drunk, corrupted president into law a Government Union. Even FDR wouldn’t including Truman and Kennedy! Socialism runs the unions!

  5. Republicans shouldn’t trust, Biden all he wants is more money for Ukraine so they don’t tell about his Corruption. He will put all kinds of Progressive ideas in the bill and get his Ten percent.

  6. The honorable leader Joe Biden ain’t so honorable and his larvae Hunter is a demonstration of what human garbage looks like Jills only problem is her personality she doesn’t have one Biden Chuckles Schumer and McConnell have done their fair share of destroying this Country

  7. I hope the biden’s buy an island and and move there whole family there. maybe epstien island. they already knwo that place really well.

    Then after they get nice and settle in I hope there is a sudden tidal wave.

  8. Biden is going down with all the other Democrats and we will have good leadership for our great country and we will be a great country and be united again when the Republicans take back control in 2024

  9. you people act like Donald trump has done no wrong to this country , even though he is facing 91 convictions and i am guessing jan. 6th was not his fault either, i am not saying joe biden is the greatest, but i do not want a dictator like Donald trump running this country either!! lets all worry about the issues of the united states and not the idiots trying to ruin it!!

    • Donnie if you haven’t noticed Biden has done everything to ruin this country and violated his oath of office to protect and defend overthrowing existed rules for immigration and running the country into the poor house. Add staggering inflation etc etc.

    • Will not be found guilty of ANY of the ridiculous charge- YOU and I know it! trump is no more a dictator than Biden is someone that tells the truth!


    It would not be revenge to put them all in prison. It would be following the law.

    If you look at what is happening it narrative of trump “revenge” is meant to keep trump from putting the entire criminal empire of the democrats in prison. that means the media people who are pushing the “revenge” narrative know the democrats are criminals and are trying to protect them.

    that would be aiding and abetting a criminal activity and hence the media networks pushing the “revenge” narrative need to go to prison as well.

    the same thing is true of media and individuals who push the “there’s no evidence on biden” narrative. that is directly aiding and abetting a criminal. every single one of them saying that knows there is evidence. the simplest example is: secret documents by the corvette and at the biden penn center. that is evidence. hence saying:”there’s no evidence on biden” is aiding and abetting a criminal. those media people need to go to prison.

  11. Obama and Poopy Pants Joe are without equal the two biggest traitors of America in its history. TRAITORS

  12. Trump may sound rough, (to each his own) but his ideas and actions are
    always intended for the betterment of this country. I would vote for him even if he were sitting in jail on election day!!

  13. No one who has commented about Trump’s past. Trump learned from hid father the way to use the legal system. Read about “Alford Pleas,” a way to pay a fine without admitting to guilt. It is the dirty secret of American justice. Read about Perdue Pharma and McKesson to see Alford pleas at work.
    Read about lobbyists, who work hand in hand with both sides of the aisle to pass bills America does not need or want.
    Read about Trump’s tax cuts that go on for the top 2% of Americans. My tax cuts expired this year as did most of the rest of America.
    Finally, the way Trump has acted towards Putin is sickening beyond belief.
    Putin is a Communist dictator who wants to destroy us. Now, people like Trump and others support Putin. Great men, Like Barry Goldwater, are spinning in their graves.
    Trump plays the victim, asks for donations and the money pours in. Supporters of Trump and the other grifters supporting his claim cannot see that this is against their own interests.
    Suckers one and all.
    Before you call me an extreme liberal I wanted Tommy Tuberville removed for his actions this year. I turned against Obama when his part in the defanging of the DEA lead to more deaths. And how did we allow Mexico to become the conduit for drugs like never before? Immigration is a problem but the amount of drugs flowing into the country must be stopped and this includes American use of force if needed-and it is.
    The hatred I see from MAGA is wrong, it is leading us against each other and our country is doomed to fail, much like the UK.
    Wake up!


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