Uppity Chicago Illegal Immigrants KICKED OUT Of Police Station Into Cold After Refusing Shelters!


Stranded Migrants Left Outside in Freezing Temperatures at Chicago’s Calumet (5th) District Police Station.

A distressing situation unfolded in the Pullman community of Chicago as migrants who were staying at the city’s Calumet (5th) District police station were left to spend the night outside in frigid temperatures on Tuesday. The incident has sparked concerns about the safety and well-being of these vulnerable individuals during this harsh winter weather.

Black Conservative Perspective discusses this in the video below:


I say it’s inhumane to force a bunch of law-abiding citizens to pay for illegal immigrants safety and protection when law-abiding Americans are being put in jail for defending themselves

Having lived in Denver for a decade, I’m well aware of how ungrateful and entitled the illegals are.


  1. They can always go back to their own countries. The American people and the police department are not responsible for the Illegals. Biden is the one to be blame for this horrible mess in the first place.

  2. How can every the Democrats allow this President to pamper to the illegals. Doesn’t our Constitution say something about illegals not be allowed andouts while our own people are suffereing? And they wanted t impeach President 45 for something less serious. We are the laughing stock in this world allowng criminals and illegals to take over our country.

  3. Hay Biden did you invite any illegals for thanksgiving dinner with your family
    If you talk the talk you should walk the walk.

  4. How ungreatful can they be. They had shelters to go to, but they wanted to stay at the Police Station. Nothing satifies them, so send them back, save money housing them and while I am on low income SS give me more than $ 55 a month on food benefit. Srs. and other American citizens are hurting and this Admin. is catering to illegals that have contributed nothing to our government, but they want the handouts.

  5. I lived on my grandparents farm for several years when having financial difficulties. It had a well we had to pump water from, outside toilet and we felt fortunate to have had a place inside to sleep out of the elements. Govt never helped us out. We worked hard, got back on our feet and didn’t complain. That’s what a true American does.


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