TARGET Caught LYING after Pride DISASTER!!!!


Target, the popular retail chain, has recently found itself in hot water following a PR disaster that exposed a series of lies told to its customers and employees alike. The corporation’s attempts at damage control have been criticized by many as being insincere and more focused on protecting their reputation than addressing the issues that led to this predicament.

Target had initially claimed that the pride-themed merchandise mix-up, which saw some offensive products being sold alongside rainbow goods in the lead up to Pride Month, was a result of a supplier’s error. However, an internal investigation later revealed that this explanation was far from accurate and was orchestrated by Target’s own executives in order to save face.


I have been boycotting Target for the past 4 years. And I have encouraged all of my friends and family to also boycott Target. And it’s working. Go woke, go broke. BOYCOTT TARGET!

I stopped teaching at a Christian-based middle school in 2001 because it was rotting from the inside out and top down. It wasn’t called ‘woke’ then. It was just a lot of pedagogical theory, politically correct rot that supposed to be the latest great way to teach kids. I couldn’t live with myself in this miasma of silliness and stupidity. I am so thankful there is an army of brave conservatives that is finally speaking up and patronizing businesses that are based in conservative American values. Beautiful!


  1. Of course target, like bud lite, will say anything except the truth. They are hoping their customers are stupid and will continue to shop there. If they apologize and say they are sorry for doing what they did will enrage the leftist crackpots who will target Target for mob theft. There is no winning once you go woke. You can’t go back.

  2. I shopped at Target often and loved their products at one time. Haven’t shopped with them for two years now because of their political stance. I refuse to have their political, far left agenda shoved down my throat. Too bad Target, you lost another entire family of shoppers you once had. Not to mention they gave MILLIONS to the Antifa thug organization!

  3. Who cares what target does. If they want to turn to the queer side, then so be it. No one said you have to shop there. So they lose alot of customers and sells drop off. It’s their problem. If you still like shopping there but can’t stand that gay stuff. Then stay out of that department area. Gays have the right to be miserable just like everyone else. Do try worrying more about what you like, then what others do. It has nothing to do with you. Your feelings like theirs, dont start or end where yours does. I shop where the things I like are. no matter who shops where. Try it some time you just might find it refreshing and easer for shopping.

  4. I refuse to shop at Target even if I must pay higher prices for the same item. My wallet speaks for where I stand against the woke corporations, and I hope that the CEO is terminated by the Board of Directors and they Board of Directors are replaced because they permitted this act to take place. Does Target feel the demise like Disney, if not yet, they will.

  5. Biden, not Trump, is the liar. Lied about his involvement with sons dealings. There were travel records on Air Force Two. To many different countries. Was this a vacation. In all that time, they never talked business. Right.Thousands of phone records. Seems the FBI and DOJ are investigating the wrong man. Evidence like this, and the abuse of power and corruption goes beyond just Biden. There actions speak louder than their mouths. Socialism, Marxism, Communism. There goes the Democracy.Pray in Jesus for your salvation. There it actions will send their souls to hell.

  6. We have a Target right down the road, really convenient for us! BUT……we haven’t shopped there since the stance they decided to take on the Queer route. We have that right to make our own choice as well! So weird that most animals in the world just know what they are and act accordingly, but the “smartest” animal seems the most confused on natures creation of male and female! Things that make you go…hmmmmmm


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