Dems PANIC As Pro Palestine Mob AMBUSHES Them At DNC Headquarters


In what appears to be a shocking and aggressive move, the Pro-Palestine Mob has ambushed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters. The mob’s intentions are unclear, but their bold act is garnering significant attention and raising concerns about potential future incidents between pro-Palestine groups and other political organizations in the US. As tensions escalate globally regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, such tactics could have far-reaching consequences for political discourse and stability within the country. Authorities must urgently address this situation to ensure the safety of individuals and institutions involved, while fostering constructive dialogue that respects differing opinions on these critical international issues.


And nothing will happen to them cause they aren’t republicans.

Damn. As a police Cadet, I honestly feel blessed to be Policing in Texas. My heart goes out to those in these Democratic warzones who have to lay their life on the line to put up with these ignant idiots.


  1. I still say alot of the HUMAN ISH is from the chemicals in the world that are absorbed by all those young humans (that haven’t been aborted by their own “mommys”), as they are waiting to be born. Their brains, at least some of them, the ones not just being “followers” because they need someone to tell them what to do, how to act, etc etc, are tainted with a form of acquired brain damage, that is then easily slanted toward that brain defect called liberalism (on account of it already being damaged). It has almost become an epidemic! There is a cure, though! Raise them without the liberal slant (that is proven to cause an uptick in this fatal deviant condition) and they can maybe grow up to be a normal, decent human! It helps counteract all the bad stuff. They hopefully can then get real, decent, God-loving, respectable lives, don’t need to run in packs like screeching hyenas, etc..find employment, and just become an asset to humanity, like God intended! I’d think, by now, Hell would be almost full! Wonder what they protest down there? Actually, considering how long Hell has been around, those swilling around there for eons probably won’t take kindly to all these current screeching offendo’s intruding on their space! Hell has to be bad enough already! Is there a Hell within Hell? Or just a separate liberal Hell, to save those already there from more anguish? Maybe God set up a liberal Hell just for them! Now that’s an interesting thought! Sounds fair to me, and them! Lifestyles have consequences that last, well…forever! Things to ponder on…..


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