Ex-Californians Moving Back Home, Regret Moving Down South?!



I’m in Florida and I say don’t let the door hit you on the way out. My adult son who is an engineer is having trouble buying a house because of all the Californians coming in. These inflated house prices are ridiculous

As a Native Texan I can speak for all Texans. Not a single one of us will miss you. Also we are filled with such southern hospitality we will be happy to help you pack. Bye Felicia


  1. They miss the high taxes, pedophiles, homeless, shat in the streets, crime, Green Weenie governor and legislature, schools that rate 47th. in the nation????

  2. I live in Ohio. I met a woman with a baby and a toddler at a splash zone when I was there with my grandchildren. She told me that her and her husband had moved here a year and a half ago. They were life long Californians. She said they couldn’t believe how much cheaper housing and the cost of living was here. She also couldn’t believe how much water we had and enjoyed the change of seasons. She said she felt safer, was less crime, less homelessness, less taxes etc. She ended the conversation by saying they never wanted to go back. Told their parents to come here if they wanted to visit. The conversation says a lot about the conditions in California.

  3. If true Southerners are posting here, perhaps one can tell which part of the animal the grits come from?

    As best I can tell, they are not really part of an animal; they only passed through one.

    (all in good fun. don’t git you knickers in a bunch)

  4. You Woke Moonbats and Squirrels that Carpetbagged from Kalifornia to Austin, Houston and Dallas can all go back. This is texas a state for individualists who think for themselves, ride in gas powered pickups and SUVs, hunt, fish, and go to church on Sunday and PETA here means People Eating Tasty Animals. Carpetbaggers like Shelia Jackson Lee are responsible for a majority of the socialist wokism here. So each one of you running back to the Socialist Dystopia of Kalifornia take two more with you.


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